Chapter Twenty-Four

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  "You forgot to lock the door!" , John's grinning expression kept bothering me even though it happened a week ago. What was worse Paul was there too, though he kept quiet, still it was very, very embarassing. How I tried putting the whole thing behind me, after all, we got our own faults too.What was worth, we've made up our mind, and we're happy with our decision. Staying together should it be, yet one more thing. We had to show that together, we are carrying on with this commitment, seriously, even if we had to prove ourselves to my aunt, who's kind of concerned with this, to our parents, and to my father especially.

  My father. Oh gosh, I really miss him. I remember how hard and sad I was leaving but as Papa promised, he would see me, after a few months of vacation here. Just a few months, according to him, now I guess the 'few months' have passed. I've been staying here for nearly half a year and I should expect him appearing right on the door, with his arms open wide and gives me a tight, warm embrace, then he asks me how I spend my time in this town, if I am enjoying much..Well I would be happy to tell him everything. And I do mean everything. I know Durham will always be my hometown, it is where I came from, but here, in Liverpool, I found life so sprightly, I have become well-adjusted. Here I met Aunt Anne of course, and some friends I never had before. This is where George's path and I have crossed. Papa should know how happy I have become now. He must know that.

  I never forgot what Anne said. Not that I want to disobey her, but you see, she doesn't have to worry about me and George. I know it won't be easy to maintain a stable relationship because we're going to be apart from one another, but isn't letting go much harder, especially if no ones wants to end it. She'll understand, I hope. I tried telling her  about my decision, I mean, George's decision and mine. If she wants to talk about it, that would better, and at least she'll know. 

  She seemed too busy these following days, talking on the telephone, I think she's expecting somebody's call but she never got it, and can you believe that she brought it up to her room and still expecting? Well maybe it is an important one,in her part. I don't know. Troubled should I say, I guess she's dealing with some things, I'm too afraid to ask, I don't want to pester and irritate her with questions, and it would not be an impeccable timing if I would open up the subject with her. Now all I got to do is do my part and help her around the house,hoping she'd have her cool back soon. We only got one week left to tell her. It's now or never.


  "...AND THEN the radio's requesting if we could perform for them live, just a couple of songs for their noontime jams.", George bragged, his right arm fixed on his hip while his other one was resting on one of the fences. 

  I just smiled, letting him talk about their plans when they reach the capital city. I listened to every word, however I was inside the fences, at the back of the house, being busy hanging the clothes up to dry, while him.. I wished I could do something, I wanted to let him in, but you see, we didn't want to be caught being together, especially not in my aunt's house. So,whether we liked it or not, he had to stay outside, a little away from me, until we get to talk with Aunt Anne with regards with our choice.

  How lucky I felt for George stayed there, waiting for me to finish. He got me entertained by his jokes and his funny flattery too. "That's good to hear.", I said. "..but what about--"


 I was about to hang the last of the laundry but I stopped. It was Aunt Anne calling me from behind.

 "Will you come here for a minute, please? We've something to talk about."

  I nodded and went to the back door where she was waiting, just several steps away from the wash line. She must have seen George but didn't say anything. I looked at George, telling him to walk away before Aunt Anne says something or whatsoever.

 We came back inside silently, she told me to sit down as she sat down with me as well. With that solemn face of hers, I was becoming nervous of what she would say.

  "I told Mrs.Brown to occasionally look after the house while I'm gone.", Aunt Anne said, her palms were folded together as they put them on top of the table. "You know Mrs. Brown, don't you?"

  Mrs. Brown? She was the one with the little girl who caught George and I on the spot. Well, among Aunt Anne's tenants, they were the most friendly ones. Aunt Anne likes them both, and sometimes I wonder if both her mother and she had told Aunt Anne about you know. But that wasn't my main concern, I noticed Aunt Anne had a big suitcase with her. Where would she be going and why?

 "Hannah, are you listening?"

 "Y-Yes, Aunt Anne.", I drew my attention to her.

 "Very well.", she got up to put on a coat and her hat. "I think I should be--"

 "Forgive me for asking, Aunt Anne.", I got up as soon as I blurted out the question. "Where are you going?"

 "Well..", Aunt Anne stirred away a little, ""I...I'm going to Durham. Yes, to Durham. I'll be staying there for a week."

 Holy Mary! Did I hear right?! Durham?! "R-Really, Auntie?", I exclaimed, though I slightly couldn't believe it. I don't remember her going there.

 "Y-Yes. My family parents lived there when they were still alive, I'm going there now, to check our estate."

 Oh. I almost forgot, She and Papa are first cousins. I asked excitedly then, "So you're going to see Papa then?", like a child I clung to Aunt Anne's arm, waiting for an answer. Just like me ten years ago, asking my father to buy me some chocolate bars when we went inside the sweet shop.

 Aunt Anne lips twitched. "You know your father's very busy on his work.", for the first time I felt Aunt Anne stroked my hair, making me almost cry for I remembered my own mother. "But I'll try to visit him. Do you want to send a message for him?"

 "Uhm. No.", I giggled. "He's coming here soon right?"

 It took a few seconds for Aunt Anne to smile and nod. "Of course."

 Before she goes, I decided to bring up an important subject I've been trying to tell her. "Uhm, Aunt Anne?", I asked in a low tone.

 " Yes child?"

 "Er..", I put my arms on my back. "I know you told me to leave George.. but.."

 "Oh dear.", Aunt Anne covered her mouth. She went to hold me with her both hands. "I am very sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm being too much, I how happy you are with George. I know he loves you so much, very, very much. Well I just want you to be happy, child."

 Geez! I could not refrain myself from embracing her. I was so overjoyed!

 "And if George makes you happy, then let it be.", she smiled. 

 I embraced her even tighter. "Thank you, Aunt Anne! Thank you!

 She giggled."Now I have to go. Need to catch up with the train."

  I helped her carry her suitcase and get a cab for her to ride in, going to the train station. She waved goodbye and smiled. The cab went on its way. I remained outside, feeling glad, astonished by the good turn of events. "Oh thank you God!", my inside screamed.

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