Chapter Seventeen

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  We went out using the backdoor. I told George it would be better, if he would leave for now. It was hard for me to look straight at him. After what happened, I had no idea how to react with all the things around. I could not just tell the kid to shut her mouth and forget whatever she saw. What I was afraid of, what if the kid tells her mother, and her mother tells my aunt? Then what more, what if Aunt Anne asks me if it is true?

  George held my face with his both hands. He looked at me and said, "We ain't doin' nothing wrong, my angel."

  I suppose he was right, but the fact that someone saw it, I could not help to feel a little scared. "I'll just see you around.", I said.

 He gave me a sulky expression. "You didn't like it, did you?"

  "Of course not. ", I pulled him closer, as I touched his sullen-looking lips. "I wanted it. Very much, but we have had enough for today."

 "But I want to spend more time with you."

  "Me too, George. I'll try to convince Aunt Anne to let me go this Saturday.", I accompanied him to the fences where he would go over every time he sneaks in and out the house. "Take care.", I said.

 I thought he was going to return the favor, but he gave me a quick kiss on the lips and before I could even respond to the trick he did, he was gone fast. Sneaky it was, I thought.

  I went back to the house, I had to think of what to do next, think of a way of asking permission  from Aunt Anne, and just in case, be prepared of what she might ask.

  Later that evening, I dialled Cynthia's number to ask her if she and John are going with us. She picked it up and I was surprised of what she said to me. "A party?", I placed the entire telephone on my ear, making sure I heard right.

 Cynthia, again answered, "Yes, Hannah. They're celebrating the success of their first record, and the trip they have accomplished."

 "Oh. That's it.", I remember George didn't tell anything about it. All I thought he was asking me out again.

 "Brian has invited some of his close friends, business partners, God knows who.", Cynthia kept on talking.

 "There'll be a lot of people going, right?", I asked, feeling a bit uneasy since I never felt good attending gatherings like this.

 "I think so. You know what to wear?"

 "I-I guess ..", I wasn't even done talking, I heard Cynthia's voice was starting to fade, "See you there, Hannah.", then the line went dead.

  I sat on the sofa, waiting for Aunt Anne. It was getting dark already and how odd it was she wasn't home. The food I cooked was in the stove, untouched, I would just wait for Aunt Anne to come back, and we would eat dinner together. I turned on the radio and got my hands on same book, forcing myself to read to stay awake. As I turned the pages, the radio started  to play a sublime jazz music, with a woman singing softly, inciting each listener to go to a deep sleep.  I felt my eyes getting heavy minute by minute, so I stretched my arms and yawned. 


  "Good morning.", Aunt Anne's words woke me up, I found myself under a thick blanket. I got up and fixed the couch, apologizing for falling asleep in the living room. 

 "No,it's alright.", Aunt Anne helped me fold the thick piece of fabric. "I'm sorry I was late, dear. I know you prepared dinner and waited."

 "I understand Aunt Anne."

 "Sit down. I need to talk to you."

 Oh no. What do you think it is? My palms were feeling cold and sweaty as I sat down slouching, facing Aunt Anne. Please don't. I don't know what to say if she asks me. No. Not now, I looked up as I chanted these words in my head.

 "Do you have something to wear for tomorrow evening?", Aunt Anne asked.

 I stared at her, gaping. What did she just say?

 "Hannah?", Aunt Anne asked again. "Do you have something to wear for tomorrow evening."

 "Uhmm..", I still couldn't believe it. 

 Aunt Anne smiled. "Well then, we better get you a dress or so, we only have one day left to prepare you for the party."

 Wait. Is this really happening? Oh thank God! I wanted to say thank you, but instead, I didn't mean to say, "H-How did you know, Aunt Anne?."

 "Your George and I met by accident last night, when I was on my way home. He told me about that gathering, and asked me if it was okay if he could take you there.."

 "What did you say?"

 "Why, yes!", Aunt Anne snapped. I soon realized she was getting more excited than I. "Fix yourself, alright? We're going to the boutique after breakfast", she then went to the stairs, heading for her room, but she managed to glance at me and say, "I am glad that this is happening. I am happy for you..Very happy."

 I still couldn't believe my ears. Never heard it from her before. I thought it was only a dream, this was too good, I sighed with relief.

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