Chapter Fifteen

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  I stared at the cup of coffee I was stirring. My sight was fixed on it much, I could only hear the clanking sound the spoon made, nothing more until I felt someone's hand was on my shoulder. 

  "Hannah.", it was Paul.

  "Oh.", I blinked. "S-Sorry Paul."

 "You alright now?", he asked. 

 I gave him the coffee and sat down with my elbows on the table. I looked at him and shook my head. Paul sat down too, holding the cup as he looked back at me in a concerned mannter. "Does it still bother you?"

 I nodded.

 "Please don't let it get you down.", Paul drank  from the cup. "It was just a dream."

 "A bad dream.", I replied. "What if it happens?"

 "It won't.", Paul touched my arm. "A dream is just a dream. Dreams are often the exact opposite of reality."

 "Really?", I grunted.

  Paul let out a giggle. "Think of it this way: It was only a manifestation of your mind. You missed him so badly, you long for him more each day, it's probably normal, even in  your sleep, you still see him."

 "In my dream, he left.", I whispered. "And if he will, just thinking of it.. no I can't.. It's too--"

 Paul got up and gave me a hug. "Stop thinking of it, okay?"

 "Sure. If I can." That was weird. If I would dream of George, it's supposed to be filled with nice things, right. Not this. Paul was right. It was only a dream but yes, I would refrain myself from sleeping just to avoid it. I hoped it was the first and last time I would encounter a thing like that in my slumber. I bit my nail and trurned to Paul. "Can I ask you something?"

  "Yeah sure.", Paul nodded. "What is it?"

 "German lasses are pretty, right? You think George would--"

 "Ah, don't you say that, sweetie..", Paul covered my mouth, he looked at me and said, "George loves you."

  With my eyes fixed on him, I said, "I think he does." I was just asking, feeling a little strange. I know he loves me, but I just could not help to think about it, think about my flaws that doesn't satisfy George. I wanted to be 'all-good' to him. 

 "Besides you're beautiful.", Paul went on. 

 "That's a joke."

  Paul shook his head. Then there was a minute or so of silence in the dining area where Paul and I were. I should be laughing or throwing back a word, making the conversation longer, but I didn't. My eyes never left his, both of us in blank expressions, we stared at each other.

 Two times I blinked. "Uhm. Thanks." I stood up. "But I got work to do."

 "At this very hour?", Paul stood up and looked at his watch. "It's quarter to three in the afternoon. Chores are done.", he looked around.

 He was right. He was there since morning, keeping me company as I do all the chores Aunt Anne told me to, while she was away with her old friends. There was nothing to do.

 "Come on, let's go for a walk.", Paul suggested. "I won't let you be bored here, no sir."

  I relented, of course. "Just a sec.", I grabbed the door keys and went out with Paul. The tenants got their own and could use the other door, I wouldn't be long anyway. We decided not to give Cavern a visit for a  while, but just walk around instead. We engaged in a deep conversation which we failed to do the first time we met. 

 "You mean, this is your first time to have a relationship with someone?", Paul's expression seemed to mean that he doesn't believe what I said.

 "Yes.", I whispered, feeling a little embarrassed, I kept on walking.

 "It's alright. Please don't feel bad about it.", Paul smiled. "I just can't-- A beautiful lady like you.."

 "No.Just stop it.", I gave him a sharp look but I intended to smile.

 "Ol' George's indeed lucky to have you.", he continued.

 "Perhaps.", I giggled. Since we were talking about our personal relationships, I couldn't help to ask, "How are you and Dot, Paul?"

 "Oh.", Paul stopped. He didn't answer right away, but let out a brief smile. "She's better off without me. Much better."

 "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

 "No. It's okay."

  Paul and I stopped and sat on a bench. He seemed quiet this time, and so was I. I didn't know what to say anymore. We just looked around until I noticed someone walking towards us. Someone so familiar, someone, that led to the rapid beating of my chest. I rubbed my eyes. Was I dreaming. The man was getting nearer, his face, his eyes, and his crooked smile, they were always in my mind and I knew it this time.

 "George!!", like a kid I ran and leaped into his arms. "Oh George!!"

 I heard him giggle. "Missed me much?",he started kissing the sideof my cheek.

 "Isn't it obvious?", my embrace on him remained tight.

 "Glad to have you back here, laddie., Paul shook George's hand.

 "'Tis good to be home.", George grinned. "And thanks for taking care of my sweetie."

 "Anytime.", Paul smiled. "I guess I should go now. See you around.", he started to leave.

 I repeatedly smooched George's face. "I miss you .You know that."

 "So?", George wrapped his arms around my waist. "What you're gonna do tonight, honey?"

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