Chapter Forty-Three

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  And so because he was durably insisting to handle the old thing himself, he continued to attempt to snatch it away from my hands and we both struggled until we lost control of it and the poor bucket tumbled down, its water that was meant for the flower bushes was sipped slowly by the rich earth instead.

“Now look what you did!”, I snapped, grinding my two front teeth together as my hands struck on George, forcing him to pace back in a wobbly fashion. “I worked so hard on fetching it from the well and you spilled it out!!”

“I told you before, I’m not going to let you work!”

  George used his arms as armor from my smacks and when I grasped the collar of his shirt to shake him and give him a mighty shove, he muddled through by holding my wrists securely, his hands gripping on mine like handcuffs.

“Let me go! You know it hurts!” I shrieked.

  He did what I said. Halfheartedly, he let go of me and I fled to the opened kitchen door and closed it quickly, leaving him in the garden. I stayed behind the door, leaning my back next to it as I rubbed the skin on my left wrist which had turned a little reddish because of the tight grapple he did to me. As I looked at it the ruddy marks began to vanish, leaving nothing but the light shade of my natural covering.

  I moved my feet and went to the fridge to get some water. The inane bickering we had since morning, I must admit that I had gone tired. What George could be thinking now is that I’m a war-freaked kind of person because all I did now and then was to surge him.

“If that is how he sees me, well let it be.”, I said to myself while I gulped a glass of water down to my dry and empty throat.  I was only lying. It didn’t hurt me really, but I just wanted to be away from him. He knew that and it was him who persisted of staying here, convincing both his parents and my aunt that he was determined to do his part as a father. I almost choked when I remembered the lines he said to me a week ago. Was he aware of what he was saying? Did he really know what those words meant and how it could affect all of us?

  I sighed and put the glass down and left the kitchen. It wouldn’t be long till I’d see him getting back inside, following me around like he’s my shadow. That was all he did since he uttered those words and started spending more time here with me. It was his choice and he made himself obliged even though I wasn’t asking anything from him. I expected nothing.

  Exhaustion became more frequent in my part yet I wasn’t making myself tired at all. Almost three months I had been carrying it and as the doctor would say that in the first three months of pregnancy, an expecting mother should eat a lot fruits and greens, drink more milk and if possible avoid doing tiring work. Haha. What work? I thought. This is going to be a long day, and at the same time I sat down and sprawled my body in the couch. I disliked having the feeling of wanting to do something but not being able to make it happen because there is someone who believes he is only concerned, and stops me from doing a particular thing. And now I felt like I had become so worthless because all I had got to do was to sit and watch George taking over all the duties that was supposed to be mine and guess what, Aunt Anne was quite impressed with the qualities she had seen in this man and she wanted him to stay and what could I do? What is he trying to prove anyway? Whatever it was, I cared less concerning that matter. I just wanted him to stay away from me and how many times must I tell him that.

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