Chapter Twenty-Eight

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  Both lying down in bed in an early morning dew, I lay my head on George’s shoulder, listening to a song he said he’s always been proud of co-writing it, and how much he wanted me to hear  so. His hands worked on playing the key of E on his Spanish-designed Classical guitar as he looked at me and smiled.

“In spite of all the danger,

In spite of all that may be.

I’ll do anything for you,

Anything you want me to,

If you’ll be true to me.”

  How sweet of him. He almost got me swooning, and I yearned to hear more. I ran my hands on his bare shoulders, he grunted softly, feeling a little ticklish. I giggled and as he started to play the next verse of the song, I decided to accompany him, looking at the slightly crumpled paper on the blanket, I chuckled nervously, catching up with him.

“In spite of all the heartache

That you may cause me,

I’ll  do anything for you,

Anything you want me to,

If you’ll be true to me..”

 “I promise to be true, Hannah, my dearest.”, George stopped playing and squeezed himself closer to me. “And I promise I will never cause you heartache. Never.”

“Really?”, I clattered, tending to tease him a tad. I pretended not to smile but frown and roll my eyes. “You should tell that to my father. Promise him you’ll be true like you said.”

“God.”, he muttered between his lips, his eyes brows crawled up to the top of his forehead. “Your father.”, his voice went shuddering.

  What’s wrong? One time he was saying to me that he’d be telling Papa how he loves me! Did he change his mind? Or does the trembling tone of his mean something else? “Hey.”, I nudged his side. “I was just teasing. You won’t possibly be able to meet him, anyway. You’ll be gone soon.”

“Last night wasn’t just a usual shag, remember?”,  I put a hand on my mouth in surprise. George took it and  held it hard. “ It was more than that. I love you so much.”

“Er. No. I mean, yes.”, Was it? I never thought it was. To me, it was something special, unforgettable. And it was something good too. “Is that what you’re worried about?”

  As he always did, His soft kisses spread all over the upper half my body, never letting go of me, he whispered to my ear, “We may not exactly see each other, but you will see. I will do my best to get back here, so I can see you and be in a converse with Mr. Gordon. Him and me, talking about the sweet and lovely princess of his that has captured and enslaved the heart of this humble Liverpool lad.”

  Charmed, I smiled and  kissed him. “Well, we better get ready now.”, I said pulling the white sheath that hid our nakedness. We got dressed immediately for we had our own duties for the starting day. But before I go home, even when I needed to, I had to do one more thing in there. Clean up the mess I made—the stain on George’s blanket. I begged, though George didn’t want to take me to their washroom so I could get it washed right away, but when we got there and I started rubbing it with soap, soaking it in water, the bloody thing wouldn’t just come off.

“Just leave it, dear.”, George shook his head. “Let’s  just pretend the cat scratched me in bed while I was asleep.”

“Right.”, I gave up and sighed, dropping the washing materials.” You don’t even have a cat.”

 Tired but happy, I went back to Pixton. George insisted and wanted me to stay with him, but he wouldn’t want me to get busted, especially when Mrs. Brown finds out I had been gone there the whole time.

  I silently hurried inside and turned the tap on and had myself a long kind of bath. Long enough to give me time to think at least.

  Luckily, Mrs. Brown never asked me a question. Showing up, before noon, she might had thought I just over slept or had done the common chores. I helped her in the kitchen, trying to cook something up for lunch.

  I wonder what George is doing now. Packing? Does he have something to eat before he go? I should’ve cooked for him before I left. And now I should be expecting  to hear the honk of Epstein’s mad car, calling out the four boys to get in and head off to London. The thought hurt still. Now I wanted to make sure that I would get to see him, that I would get to talk with him before it’s too late.

“Hannah?”, I heard Mrs. Brown asked. “Are you alright?”

“Oh.”, I blinked. I looked at the onions I had been chopping. No. They weren’t chopped, they were finely minced, which wasn’t included in the soup recipe. “Sorry.”, I apologized, for botching that simple job.

“I’ll take this, okay?”, she smiled considerately. “You seem very tired. Didn’t you sleep well?”

 I guess I didn’t. Had a long pillow talk all night long. And even if I had washed myself recently, my body’s urge to lay down and sleep remained. I smiled at Mrs. Brown, who gladly took over. “Thank you.”

“No worries, dear. Now have a rest.”

  I left the kitchen and went to my room. How I wanted to sleep, with the bed on my sight but now I couldn’t. I just sat there, with a pillow in my arms thinking it over again.

  His tender way of loving, makes me want to have him by my side more. Ever since it happened, after he took me to that peak where I have become so deliriously happy, now I felt strange, which is a good thing, I could say.

Oh George. I just wanted to close my eyes and sigh.

A knock came to my door. “Hannah?”, it was Carmen.

“Come in.”, I said.

She came in, holding a tiny white envelope. “Sorry for disturbing you, but I found this at the door and I think it’s for you.”, then she gave me the envelope.

  My name was written on it, it could be mine since I was the only one here named ‘Hannah.” I smiled. George slipped on my mind, though it didn’t show who the sender was but my name was written in a cursive way, very similar to his handwriting. And so it must be him.

“Thank you.”, I smiled at Carmen.

  She nodded and left. I hold the letter closely and grinned. Smelling a dash of lavender on it, When did George start using perfumes like this? I was kind of used of him having his natural, babyish scent. But this was fine as well, how very thoughtful of him. I took the folded paper inside and opened it.

I read it silently:

“ I may not have said this to you before

But now I will tell you

That for you, my heart highly soars.

Your rose-like innocence has got me,

Infatuated always, I am, ‘cause it is you I fancy.

Your dazzling brown eyes,

I can just stare at them all day and night.

My greatest desire,

To feel your warmth, your glow.

I wish I could, I wish I might.

P.S. I love you, Hannah. I want you to know that. Allow me to gaze at you, allow me to hold you, at least for a while, before I go. Meet me in Cavern at three, and you’ll see a surprise.”

Biting my lip and held that piece of paper close to my chest, I could not help to cry. Tears of joy, I believe they were.

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