Chapter Sixteen

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  "Why did you come home late last night?", Aunt Anne kept on knitting as she glanced occasionally, waiting for an answer.

  "I.." Would she be disappointed if I would tell the truth? "I was with George."

 I saw my aunt's eyes turned a litte bit bigger. "So. George is back."

 "Yes Aunt Anne. He took me out to dine in the pub.", I explained. I also told her what happened, about George being stuckin Hamburg before coming home a few days after. "I never eexpected I would see him yesterday, I mean, Paul and I went for walk and---" 

 "Alright.", Aunt Anne nodded. "Clear enough. I know you missed George so much, but next time, please tell me where you're going, especially when you're going out with your friends."

 "Sorry, Aunt Anne.", I looked down. "I'll keep that in mind."

 "Very well.", she stopped knitting, and put her basket of thread and needles near the foot of the couch. "I'll be gone to my friend's house again, promise me you'll stay here while I'm away.", she left the living room and began fixing her things.

 "I will.", I said, considering that I would be facing another typical day full of house work.

  'Twas noontime and I was busy scrubbing the stairs when the telephone rang. I couldn't get off with the wet and slippery stairs so I couldn't get down and answer the phone that easy. I let it rang as I continued what I was doing until it stopped. When I was about to finish, the phone rang again. Not now, please, I thought. I ignored it for the second time and carried the bucket of water to the kitchen and put new water in it, the furnitures and the floor downstairs were waiting to be cleaned. 

  An hour later, I looked at the house, including the upstairs. "Not bad,Hannah.", I said to myself, feeling satisfied about it. I went to the kitchen and look if there was something to eat, all the work has made me hungry. I opened the pantry and took a couple of eggs. Aunt Anne must be in a hurry she couldn't make a meal but it's okay I scrambled the eggs and cooked them with a little oil. I would just be eating an egg sandwich with milk. As I started to eat while I read a book I took from Aunt Anne's bookshelf, I heard a knock. I thought it was Aunt Anne so I hurriedly opened the door. But it wasn't her.

 "You weren't answering my calls.", George pouted in a childish manner.

 I raised an eyebrow to him. "I was a bit busy you know.",  I took him inside.

 "Oh..", George looked around, realizing what I meant. "You did all this?"

 "Of course.", I went to the kitchen. 

 George followed me."What did your aunt say when you came home late last night?"

 "Nothing.", I replied.

 "Nothing?", George held both of my hands.

 "She just asked why I was late, that's all.", I sat down and grabbed the book I was reading. "Why don't  you have a seat, George?

 George sat beside me. "You made this, darling?", he asked poking the half-eaten egg sandwich of mine.

 I nodded. "Want to try it?

 George took a bite."Mmmm. This is good.", then he took another one. "My compliments to the chef.", he  said, winking at me.

  "Come on, it's just a sandwhich.", I chuckled. "Even a child can make one like that." I let George ate the rest of it, I started not to feel hungry anyway, seeing his appetite was enough. 

 "I need to tell you something.", George swallowed the last bite.

 The pace of my chest went fast. "W-What is it?"

 He pulled my chair closer to his. "Are you free on Saturday night?"

 I couldn't answer. Seemed like I was expecting something else. Something not good, I felt apprehension crawling on my spine. But it wasn't that, right?

 "Hannah.?", George asked again.

 I slowly looked at him and stirred. "Sorry George." I got out of my chair and went to my room. 

 "Is there something wrong, love?", George held my arm when I was about to twist the knob of the door. 

  "N-Nothing. It's just that..", I opened the door of my room and went inside, showing George my room. I began to tell him about my strange dream. As I was telling him, he looked at me in a way that he wanted me to stop. But I didn't.

"In my dream, you...left...", I sat on the bed and held on my tears. 

 I felt George's hand, stroking my back as he sat beside me. "You know I wouldn't do that.. You know I wouldn't..", he made me look at him, I could see my reflection in his eyes full of longing, he leaned forward, he pressed his lips against mine, I didn't think twice, I kissed him back, for the days, or even weeks I have missed him, I showered it all by every kiss. George's hands went up my sleeves, I didn't hesitate but I lay my back in bed and let him smother my body with his kisses and touch. I closed my eyes as I felt myself being drifted away.

 There was a loud knock on my door. A young girl who is a daughter of one of Aunt Anne's tenants was standing,with her dark innocent eyes, staring at us. I almost went pale when I realized the door was open all this time. I moved George away from me and approached the girl as if nothing happened. 

 "What is it, sweetie?", I asked.

  She looked at me,unable to answer immediately. I asked her again and she said in a squeaky lil voice, "Mum is having trouble opening the bathroom.", then she ran upstairs.


 I looked at George. He was giving me his wide grin, as he uttered. "Go now, love. But you should come back and say yes when I ask you again to come with me this Saturday."

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