Chapter Twelve

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  My sleeping physique was awaken by the smell of piping hot cup of coffee in front of me. I later realized I was at the table for breakfast, but none of the foods aroused my appetite.

  "Don't make yourself sick again.", I heard Aunt Anne muttered. "Eat up."

  The thought of George being gone slipped to my mind, I would nestle in bed and cry. Now for days, doing the same rituals left me exhausted. I still cherished George's promise that he'd be back. I should rely on that. I held the cup of coffee and gulped half of it, getting my tongue scalded.

 "Careful.", Aunt Anne handed me a napkin.

  I chuckled nervously and wiped my mouth. There was still one thing needed to be cleared. Was  Cynthia really going with them? Can't be, I thought. What would she be doing in Hamburg if the four had gone there to sing and play instruments and get paid. Besides we both knew we weren't allowed to go. But it was her I saw last time. And I had seen her the day after, going out of a store. I called her name, but she didn't turn around. I ran and asked her about it, but she had her cries as an answer. She didn't tell me anything at all. I gave  her an embrace and patted her back. I didn't bother to ask anymore, and let her decide whether to tell me or not, until we reached their house. She fell asleep feeling upset. I did feel her.  If only I knew what happened. I asked her mother but all she said was Cynthia was just tired much.

 After finishing the coffee, I stood up, I wanted to see this time if my friend Cynthia's fine  now. "Can I go now, Aunt Anne?"

 "Without finishing your breakfast?", Aunt Anne grumbled.

 I was obliged to eat everything Aunt Anne had put on my plate. I couldn't complain no more, like a child, refusing to touch the greens. While Aunt Anne scampered out after hearing the post man's whistle, I did my best to leave the entire platter clean.

 Aunt Anne came back with a few letters probably not hers, she should be  reading one aloud if she got one. Must be for her tenants. She laid them on the table to be sorted.

 "Anything more left outside, Aunt Anne?", I asked as I watched her inspecting each of the envelopes.

 "Go see if there's more please.", she went upstairs to deliver the letters to their recipients.

 I held on tight on my jacket. Summer was almost over and the cold hands of the air penetrated my skin. I looked inside of the quite rusted post box. There was nothing inside. Not what I expected.

 "Excuse me,", said the post man, in his way here. "I almost forgot this.", he gave me this thing seemed fragile, wrapped in thick papers with my name and address written. I thanked the post man and went inside in a hurry. I just knew who sent it  and it sure warmed the cooling weather.

  Almost dewy-eyed, I stared at the cover picture of their very first accomplishment. John, Paul, Ringo and George also known as The Beatles, had changed. They weren't trying to be Elvis nor James Dean. It wasn't so  long when  they were wearing leather jackets and now neat coats and ties. Even their hairs. Why comb every strand to make it look proper, I thought. But still it was them, even got better. The recording producer must have loved them, and now everybody had started too. Having the first single in my hands, knowing that George never forgot send me one, I was proud and happy. 


 "Oh Hannah.", I rushed to Cynthia's side as she stood up. "I'm glad you're here.", she looked pale and weak when I hugged her,

 I couldn't help to ask. "What's wrong?"

 She looked at me and smiled weakly. "I don't know how to tell you.."

 I made her sit in the bed as I combed her hair with my hand. I waited a moment before she got to speak to me. But before that, I told her that I just received a present from George.

 "I got one from John too. From Hamburg, with love.", Cynthia smiled, looking at a distance. "I just miss him so bad, you know."

 "That's why you always feel gloomy?", I asked.

 Cynthia nodded. "I really need him now."

 "I understand.", I hugged Cynthia again. 

 "No, you don't.", Cynthia squirmed, pulling away. 

 "Cynthia please.", I beckoned. "Just tell me."

 "I just miss him so much.", Cynthia looked away. "I thought I could do this. It seems like everyday I'm missing him more."

 "You know I feel the same way with George."

 "Yes.", Cynthia gave a scant smile. "But what I mean is..", Cynthia paused. She took my hand and made it hold hers. I noticed a shining silver piece on her ring finger. Cynthia smiled again. "...We should be far  away from here, for our honeymoon you know."

 "Cynthia!", I gasped. Holding her hand, and looking closely at her ring. "I'm sorry, I- I didn't know--"

 "It's okay.", she giggled. "I was shy to tell you. I was shy of everyone."

" You mean all this time you're like this, John and you got--"

 "Yes.",Cynthia nodded. "And it's harder than I thought.", she looked down. I shouldn't be here with my parents. I should be living with John now." She sighed and said, "I want him to be here now, Hannah. I know it sounds rather stupid but 'tis the truth. I need  him on my side."

 I patted her shoulder. "No it isn't. You're a great couple, you two." I smiled though I was so much shocked after hearing the news. I mean, That was all? I had thought it was something worse, but then I was happy for her. And for John too.

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