Chapter Eighteen

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 Saturday. The night of the party. 

 "Hurry up. George will be here any minute.", I  heard Aunt Anne said as she tapped on my door. 

  For another time, I went to the mirror and looked at my whole appearance. Come on it's still me. The only thing that has changed was my dress. Its simplicity, not to mention its baby blue colour, which I loved. I know parties are always grand but I needed not to blend in and wear something fancy. Even my hair, I just braided it as always, but now in a lil' more stylish fashion and I tied it up with a matching blue ribbon although Aunt Anne suggested to have it straightened. I didn't wear make up either. All in all, I rather keep everything simple in my own way than to end up getting stung by coloretes. I opened the trunk below my bed, and pulled out a small jewelry box where inside laid a silver necklace with a rose pendant. It was a gift from my mother. The first and last gift I received from her beforeshe left me and Papa. I've always thought if I would wear it, it would somehow make me beautiful. I put it on, and for the last time, I looked at the mirror, having the necklace above my chest, I smiled. Outside, I heard Aunt Anne laughing, and it seemed that she was having a conversation with someone. I wasted no time, I put on my low-heeled black shoes and tied the straps on my ankles. Holding my purse and hankerchief, I went out the room.

 "Aunt Anne, is George here?", I asked.

  Yes, He was there. The two were sitting in the living room, both having a cup of tea. George stood up and came to me. "You look gorgeous, honey!", he exclaimed, taking my arm.

 I felt my cheeks burning. "You didn't tell me it is a party we're going to, mister." 

 George winked at me. I rolled my eyes and took his arm as well. We walked our way outside with Aunt Anne accompanying us.

 With her right hand, she waved goodbye to us, as George let me inside the waiting cab first. "Take care! And George! Take good care of my Hannah!"

 "I will, Ms. Grant!" George waved back.

 George went inside the cab, I looked at Aunt Anne who was still smiing, I went outside the vehicle and gave her a big hug. "Thank you, Aunt Anne. Thank you."

 Aunt Anne gave me a kiss on the forehead and smiled at me. I noticed tiny tears coming out from her eyes. I kissed her back and went inside the cab. The vehicle started its engine.

 "Shall we go now?", George asked with a smile.

  I nodded and and lay my head on his shoulder. George held me close and made me look at him. "I want to kiss an angel now. A beautiful angel.", He leaned forward but I covered his lips with my finger to make him stop. 

 "Not now, and not here.", I told him.

 George obeyed. He turned to the cab driver and said, "Sir, will you please turn left to Arnold Grove?"

 "Where are we going? I thought we're off to Brians place?", I asked.

 "We are goin' there, love.", George took my hand and kissed it. "But, a promise is a promise.", He gave me a meaningful smile as the vehicle turned to another direction. 

 We stopped near a two story house. George opened the car door and went out, and helped me get out . "We won't be long, guv.", he said to the driver. 

 The driver nodded politely as he leaned back on the car and waited. George held my hand tight and we headed for the door. Every step I stook seemed to make me feel more apprehensive , my palms were sweaty. George noticed how nervous I was when we got to the door, he kissed me and smiled.  "Just hold my hand tight, love. They don't bite, y'know."

 We entered the house . "Evenin', Mum, Dad.", he struted with me, still holding his hand. Both of his pepper-coloured hair parents glanced at the two of us.

 I tried my best to smile back as I greeted both of them, "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison."

 "Good evening.", they greeted back as they told us to sit down. Least as I expected, George's mother sat next to us, smiling at me and asked,"Hannah, am I right?"

 "Y-Yes.", I nodded. "I am."

 "Aw. Darling, don't be shy. George never stops talking about you here.", Mrs. Harrison's big smile revealed her deep dimples at the sides of her mouth. "I rememeber the time he told us that you saved him from the trick of his jesty friends."

 "Mum..", George slouched. "That was.."

 "Oh, I thought they were really fighting that time, I pulled him away and then I found out they were just goofing--they weren't fighting at all.", I started to feel comfortable talking with George's mother. George stared at me, I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. He was right. They do not bite indeed.

 Mrs. Harrison could no longer hold her laugh, and I was surprised with Mr. Harrison as well. He stopped reading the newspaper and joined us in our chat. "You know, Miss, you tell us immediately if our son  here is  fooling around. Tell us and we'll give him a good whacking."

 There was a crack of laughter in the whole room but George was fed up, he took my hand and we both stood up. "We sure wanna stay longer but you see, we got an event to go to.", George said to his parents.  I waved at them as George and I left. 

 "Goodbye! And nice meeting you, dear Hannah!", I heard Mrs. Harrison said.

 When we got back in the cab, I still couldn't get over it. I thought everything would be so awkward between me and George's parents, but no! On the way, I kept on laughing, though I tried covering my mouth, I still was doing it, "Whacking?!"

 "You've had too much.", George said.

 I kept quiet for a while. Was I annoying him? "I'm sorry George.", "I was just-- I didn't mean to.."

 "Baby.", he pulled me to him. "Don't apologize. I ain't mad, alright?"

 "If you say so.", I looked down and rested on my folded arm, feeling a little drowsy. 

 George leaned and helped me find a warm part on his torso, for me to rest on. "Rest here, love. I'll wake you up as soon as we get there."

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