Chapter Thirty

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“They love us here, so much. We were in the car last time, off to a Press Conference there and people in every street we passed through would stop and wave at us, calling our names—young lasses mostly, screaming wildly.”, George sounded very happy, despite his voice being rather hoarse, I could hear a few coughs and sneezes from him.

I breathed real deep before I replied, “That’s good, George. But remember not to work too much, you should take care of yourself.” I wished I was there so I could take good care of him myself.

They had been staying there for a week and they must have gone so busy day and night, getting a good sleep was hard.

“I suggest you should have a rest now.”, I told him, looking at the clock. It was twelve o’clock in the midnight already, Half an hour we’d been talking, I heard him yawned, and I too was feeling sleepy like him.

“Er. No.”, George protested. “Not sleepy.”, clearing his throat, he said, “I miss you, love. You know I can only call you and talk to you at this moment.”

He was right. At first it wasn’t easy, waiting every night for his call, who knows when he’s free, I should be cherishing every second we spend talking to each other. But staying up late just to talk, had gotten him sick, and I never wanted that to happen to him.

“Two minutes.”, I sighed. “Two minutes and off to bed you go.”

“Yes, Mum.”, George sniggered, mimicking a child’s voice.

George told me more about London, telling me that it is such a great place. Who in the world would think that it isn’t huh? Although I hadn’t gone there ever, I had heard and listened to some folks who had actually been there. All they used to say that the capital city is made up of huge buildings, wide and beautiful parks, bright city lights, all the different people one could possibly meet. I think George was starting to enjoy his new life there, and I see nothing wrong with it so far.

Both heavy-eyed, we decided to continue our conversation tomorrow night. Or perhaps next time.

“Good night, dear. Good night and sweet dreams, and I love you.”, we said to one another.

I went to my room and changed into my night dress. I looked at the mirror, brushing my hair, as I started thinking on how to spend the day tomorrow. As usual chores come first, and that includes helping cooking breakfast and lunch. Mrs. Brown must be having something special in mind since by tomorrow, Aunt Anne would be returning all the way from Durham to here in Liverpool. And guess who would be coming with her! I bet Mrs. Brown knows how to make a scrumptious cream corn, I bet we could make it more special by adding lots of tapioca and a little cinnamon. That is our very favorite, and we simply never get tired of it.

Gee, I forgot to tell George that Papa’s going to be here! I remembered the dream I had once, of them meeting each other, and everything just seemed so fine. I got to foresee things clearly and good with that dream of mine. My anticipation was never lost and it looked like I should be telling Papa about him first, until George takes a short break from his music career and comes back here to meet my father.

Without turning the table lamp off, I crawled into bed, having the soft, quilted blanket wrapped around me. Can hardly wait for tomorrow, I breathed a lungful of air, resting my head on two pillows as I reclined on my side. Strange, I believed I was becoming sleepy, so we bid good night to each other. And now that everything was done, my drowsiness died away.  I couldn’t close my eyes anymore, they kept awake, looking around, drawing their attention, to something I wished I never made a fleeting glimpse at.

Recurrently reminding my own self that the rose that Paul gave had nothing to do with the letter I got that same day. It was George alright, it should be him. Who else would it be? I should not be having delusions like this. Assuming that he, giving me flowers meant something else? Heck no! That is crazy! But of course, I appreciate it. In fact, I kept the rose inside the watered vase and put it inside my room, how glad I am that it stayed beautiful and didn’t wither that easy.  Paul was nice to me, and we’ve been friends after all, so I see nothing off beam if he’s being nice or sometimes sweet. Now I had had enough of thinking it all, I buried my face on the pillow in order to sleep at once.

I woke up early, however this whole body of mine insisted to stay in bed longer. I had to be up before time, Today’s the day, Hannah! Excited as I knew it would always be, I helped with all my might in the kitchen after I was done with the chores. As I stayed in the counter, mixing all the condiments, I occasionally looked at window, hoping a yellow cab would stop beside the lawn of the house, and I would see Aunt Anne and Papa coming out of it. But there was none.

Having a big brunch still without them, I started to worry. Maybe they were still on their way here, I thought. They’d be home in an hour or so. I missed having Aunt Anne around. And much more, I missed being with Papa, especially dining with him.

“I’m sorry, Hannah.”, I felt Mrs. Brown’s veined hand touched my shoulder when I was sitting on the daybed, doing nothing any more. “I’m just going to take Carmen upstairs so she can have a nap. They’ll be here soon. You’ll see.”

I hope she’s right, I sighed. I watched both mother and child went to their room upstairs. I stayed where I was, silently waiting.

I heard a harsh sound of a car stopped outside. I hurried outside, running of course, only to see Aunt Anne holding her suit case, paying the driver. It was Aunt Anne, only her.

“W-Welcome back, Aunt Anne.”, I tried to hide my disappointment, by smiling. “Let me help you, please.”, I took and carried her suitcase for her.

“Thank you.”, she beamed, looking at the whole house. She must have missed her life here. “How were you doing when I was gone?”, she looked at me.

That was when I put my fake smile down and let out some tears. “I’m alright.”

“No, you are not. I don’t think so.”, she took my other arm with concern and went with me inside. “Come on, I think we should talk.”

“I just miss Papa so much, Aunt Anne.”, I uttered, pouring the tea into the small cup and giving it to Aunt Anne.

“I know, I know.”, she nodded, sipping on her cup. “Your Papa misses you too. He wanted a lot to go here, the problem is, he is too busy working in the farm. You know that, don’t you? But he promised he’ll see you.”

“Really?”, I gaped and dried my eyes. Papa is a very busy man indeed. But I always understand that. “How is he?”

“He didn’t change at all.”, Aunt Anne seemed to be struggling just to make a laugh.

I admit I was a little frustrated. But if my aunt here had said so that my Papa got tons of work, as always like before, I would try my best to comprehend. Papa is still coming right? Probably he’ll call too.

“Hannah.”, Aunt Anne patted my arm so I could heed what she was about to say.

“What is it, Aunt Anne?”

“Do you want your father to be here on your birthday?”

I didn’t reply right away but smiled, shrugging my shoulders. My birthday was a couple of months away, but if I would see him, that would be the best birthday gift then.

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