Chapter Thirty-Four

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~Several weeks later~

   No, no.  I scoffed silently while my eyes were stuck looking at the yellowish papers of our current chart. It was the month of my birthday—and I marked the certain day there in the third row with the red pen, encircling it. That day when I would be adding another digit to my age, that day I was looking forward to, and the day that said that I would get to see my father. But not anymore.  My hope was lost and dying. I believed I would get to see him one day. Who knows, maybe when things get better. The fact that he sent me here for my own good, I knew what all he cared about was me, my well-being so he had Aunt Anne to take care of me while he was away. I should consider myself fortunate to have this loving father and a concerned caring relative.

   My fingers drew an imaginary line against the calendar, I couldn’t believe I would be older soon. One time I was enjoying playing house and dolls, or playing rough in the mud with my childhood mates in the farm, and even when I turned fourteen two years ago, I kept on being a child, a baby. Now I felt new, and different. No more toys, no more friends to play skipping rope with. I had moved here with a desire of becoming more mature, forgetting the once-old Hannah who cries and giggles most of the time. Here, there was no room for such games. Here, girls at my age date pretty boys and go out dancing. Indeed, I felt a change. A good change I knew it was for me. There is no greater joy than to love someone and be loved truly by that person.



  How was he now? As I could recall, he was sick but he still attempted to have phone conversations with me. I got reprimanded, he didn’t call no more but sent me a letter, still everything was alright. We both understood each other, and the condition we had gotten into. Two months of him being gone, and I should say, we were striving so well to keep our connection stable. This relationship wouldn’t have gotten this far if we ourselves were full of impatience and doubt.

  But I missed him. A call would be nice, a letter telling me that he loves me would be great, it would send me running to the fields, leaping with joy. I received none of the two. Not yet.

  Wake up, Hannah! You think George got that spare time to do those? Of course not! Can’t you see his busy, rearing his career, thinking of his future! He wants to be somebody! What about you?, this voice kept on whispering to my ear, always reminding me that I should not feel bad and think that George had neglected to look back to me.

“Yes I understand. He is following his dream, and I am continuously here for him.”, in this way, I would answer that bothering voice.

  I felt a wrenching ache inside my head, my vision became dark and fuzzy so I stopped looking and started to walk my way to the bed. Going first to the side table where I put my medicine and a bottle of water.  The head pains occurred more frequent as each the day passed, making me very dizzy, feeling sea sick. I had been taking some tablets to cure those pains, but they weren’t working. I stayed the same, feeling weak like I’ve never been before. Also, sudden throbbing in my abdomen took place especially when I get to wake up from bed. This would make me hard to rise, it had caused me pains in my back and hips as well. I was prone to sickness, I knew that. My body kept lusting for work, leaving me exasperated, and I couldn’t sleep easily at night too.

“Ugh.”, I groaned, opening the lid of the small case of pills. It was empty. Thumping the case back on the table, I drank on my water bottle instead, gulping half of it so it could ease just ease the headache that was torturing me. In a blink, I could feel it going away, and I felt lighter. It would come back though. It would go but it would still be back, coming unexpectedly like thunder. Right now, I could breathe freely and easily, feeling a little better.

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