Chapter 3

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// Author's Note:
Trying to upload a chapter every other day, pretty hard to keep up with school work too, but this is so fun. Haha

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV

Zhang-ge, called me bright and early telling me that I had to open the shop because he had somewhere to be. With no one on the streets yet, I arrived at our small coffee shop to find that someone was already there.

"Sorry for the wait, we'll be open shortly." I bowed to him.

The customer said nothing and just shook his head. He had short brown hair that spiked up at the ends. His eyes were wide and were looking at the coffee shop with an innocent expression. He turned to look at me, a small smile on his lips.

"Xiumin?" I asked with uncertainty.

He smiled and bowed his head to me. I proceeded to open the front door, glancing back at him from time to time to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

What was Xiumin doing here?

I motioned for him to enter the shop and with no hesitation he stepped inside, heading straight for the front counter.

I watched him sit down abruptly and lean on the counter. I worked my way around the counter and stared at him.

"Luhan?" He asked and tilted his head to one side.

I grinned. He's adorable.

"He's not here yet, actually I'm not sure if he is coming today." I started wiping the counter, Zhang-ge is always so messy after work.

Xiumin stared at me blankly, and I realised that I've been speaking in Chinese. I repeated myself in Korean, pausing slightly to think of the words.

He looked at me kind of surprised and smiled. "You speak Korean?"

I nodded. "Not well."

"No, it's pretty good. When does Luhan usually get here?"

I stopped to think. "I'm not really sure when he usually comes." I paused to phrase my Korean. "Should I call him for you?"

Xiumin's face lit up in delight. His cheeks puffed out and the base if his nose wrinkled slightly. "Oh, but don't tell him I'm here, I want to surprise him."

On the third tone, Luhan's voice answered. "Hello?"

"Are you coming to the shop today?"

I hear him laugh lightly. "Do you miss me already?"

I blushed.

Yes. Wait no, no I don't.

"I'll probably drop by after my shoot today," He said.

I smiled and nodded at Xiumin. He made a gesture with his hand signalling his excitement.

"Okay, see you."

As soon as a hung up the phone, Luhan sent me a picture of himself pouting along with the message.

I miss you too.

My heart pounded and my face felt hot.

"Did you get a text from your boyfriend?"

I jumped and waved my hands in the air. "No! No boyfriend."

Xiumin burster out in laughter as I mixed Korean and Chinese together in a sentence. He calmed down and stood up from his seat.

"Where's Zhang-ge? He's the barista here right?"

A Deer and A Baozi [Luhan And Xiumin(EXO) Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now