Chapter 10

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//Author's Note:
Ling has been asked to hang out by two of the EXO members, however, doesn't seem to see that they might be asking her out because she is blinded by her feelings for Luhan. Who is she going to say yes to?

So guys, what's this I hear about Luhan returning to EXO. Back off okay? He's in Korea only coz he's on vacation. Give the poor deer a break.

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV

I held Sehun's ring in my hand and grinned at him. I slipped it on my middle finger and showed it to him.

"It fits!" I grinned. "Thank you, Oppa."

He laughed and his eyes crinkled. "So how about doing our hair?"

"I agreed to spend the day with Xiumin tomorrow." I pouted.

He nodded kind of disappointed then smiled cheerfully. He stood up and reached for my hand. "Let's go now."

"N-now?" I blinked in surprise.

He grabbed my hand and pulled on his cover. The two of us left the house and got on a bus towards the heart of Seoul.

"This isn't right," I whispered standing next to him on the bus. "If we get caught you're going to be kicked out of EXO for sure."

I hear him laugh behind his mask as he leaned closer to me. "Don't worry, no one has recognized me yet."

I frowned. "Yet, but if it happens."

He put his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him. "Let's just have fun alright? You've been cooped up at the dorm way too much."

I couldn't help but smile at him. Alright, only this time.

We arrived at the barber shop. It was a small place that sat between two tall business buildings. It looked completely out of place with it's battered up old sign that hung crooked on the front of the building.

"Ajumma!" Sehun yelled as soon as the door closed behind us. When he noticed that the shop was empty he took off his cover and motioned for me to sit on a chair.

"Yes?" A short lady walked out and stopped when he saw Sehun. "No no no no no. I can't dye your hair today."

Sehun smiled and looked at me. "She was the one who gave me that rainbow hair."

"Oh? What's this?" Her eyes narrowed when she saw me. "You finally went and got a girlfriend huh?"

My face felt hot and I looked away.

Sehun laughed and leaned on the counter next to me, his tone was embarrassed. "No, we're just friends."

I nodded in agreement but avoided eye contact with him.

"What made him your favorite," the lady shook her head and gathered her equipment. "He's nothing but trouble."

We chatted with the lady as Sehun watched her give me a hair cut. I watched in the mirror as my dyed brown hair fell to the ground little by little.

When we were finished Sehun grabbed me by the hand and took me out for dinner at a small diner.

"Alright so, tell me," He said as we were waiting for our order of extra large fries with honey garlic wings. "What is your relationship with Xiumin?"

"Xiumin?" I repeated after him a bit surprised at the question.

He chuckled and leaned forward in his chair directly in front of me. "Well?"

A Deer and A Baozi [Luhan And Xiumin(EXO) Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now