Chapter 60

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//Author's Notes:
Both Luhan and Xiumin have decided to tell Ling their feelings before she leaves for America. Who's going to get to her first?

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV

I woke up to a call from the front desk. The blaring sound of the phone jerked me awake without warning. I sat up from my bed and groaned into my hand. Who in the world is calling me?

Still exhausted from my adventures with Sehun last night, I pull myself from my bed and bring the receiver to my ear.

"Hello?" My voice was hoarse from my lack of sleep.

"Ms. Ling, there is a guest here for you."

I frown and look at the time. I almost choke on air, it was noon and I had just woken up. The lady continued to speak with a giggle. "It's Luhan from EXO."

I blink. How did he know which hotel I stayed at?

I hung up the phone after telling her I would be down in 10 minutes. I pull on my shorts and an oversized hoody hurriedly and rushed downstairs after washing my face. Luhan stood at the counter grinning up at me with his usual warm smile. He rushes to me as soon as he sees me, waving his hand in the air as if I couldn't see him already. He brings me into a hug, knocking the wind out of me. From his shoulder, I watch as reporters flash their cameras in our direction.

"Ling, long time no see." He whispered excitedly.

I frown and struggle to get out of his grip. "There are reporters here Luhan!"

He pulls away and turns to pose for the camera. The flashing continued rapidly and I instinctively hid behind him.

"What are you doing!" I whispered as loud as I could but he ignored me completely. Without warning, Luhan takes me by the hand and drags me out of the hotel with the press dead on our heels. The two of us sprint down the street and squeeze ourselves onto the nearest bus. I duck my head as the people on the bus stared at us with a shocked expression. A few of them took out their phones to take pictures but he didn't seem to be bothered at all. Luhan paid for the two of us like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. I stare up at him as the bus started to move. He's gone crazy, absolutely insane.

We got off at the mall I went to with Gabby yesterday. He intertwined my hand in his and together, we walked around the mall. I tried to enjoy myself with him, but the mobs of people surrounding us made it impossible for me to do anything.

"Luhan, what is happening," I muttered, pressing myself closer to his side. "Talk to me!'

He beamed at me and passed me his coffee. "Ignore them, let's just focus on you before your flight."

I grinned weakly at him and bit on the straw of his americano. I can't just ignore it, there are people all around us!

Luhan must've seen my discomfort because we ended up going to the movie theater. To my surprise, the amount of people blocking the entrance to get a good look at Luhan was so overwhelming, that we ended up staying at the theater for the rest of the day.

We sat at the back to chat while movies after movies played on the big screens. We went through about eight movies before the ticket master peered in.

"The mall is closing so they're gone now."

I jumped up to stretch my legs out with a small groan and bow to thank him for telling us. I step over Luhan's legs carefully to the exit but trips as he moved his leg up to block me. I hear him laugh as he wraps his hand around my waist to support me. My face flushed red in embarrassment and he moves to stand in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. He blocked my way to the exit with his legs and grinned mischievously.

A Deer and A Baozi [Luhan And Xiumin(EXO) Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now