Chapter 37

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//Author's Note:
EXO and Ling have now separated, and it doesn't look like anymore is going to happen. Has Ling given up her feelings for the members of EXO?

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV

A few weeks have passed since I spent my time in Korea, and I could confidently say that EXO was no longer none of my business. The filming of Life with EXO continued without a problem as they replaced me with another fan. I keep myself pretty updated with the show just so that I could keep up with the members and their daily lives without being a nuisance. I had a few friends in China who would tease me about how I filmed it better and that I should go back and resume as a cast member, yet I never once thought about returning to Korea, not even to go to one of their concerts. I couldn't allow my feelings for the members to get in the way of their safety and I simply couldn't risk putting them in the media again.

The first few days after my return to Beijing, some of the members wouldn't stop keeping contact with me. Kai would update me on their daily schedules with D.O, Baekhyun would video-chat me every night with Sehun and Lay and Xiumin texted me individually almost every second of every day, asking me how I was doing. I appreciated their efforts at first, but eventually, Zhang-ge convinced me to cut ties with them all together.

"You don't want this to leak out to the media that EXO is keeping close contact with you," He said one morning while preparing coffee. "It's not good for their idol image, and certainly not safe for you."

I now work full time at Zhang-ge's coffee shop. Zhang-ge had promised to raise my pay as he needed more hands around the shop. He was always running errands now, and most of the time I felt like it was more my shop than his.

This particular morning, I had promised to open the shop earlier. Word had gone out that I worked here, and a lot of EXO fans, and to my surprise, my fans use this place as a regular hang out. Business is usually busy all day long and Zhang-ge didn't want to waste any time to earn cash. 

I opened up shop with my earbuds blasting with Big Bang (SHOUT OUT!), nodding my head and humming to the music. I unlocked the door and went behind the counter to flick on the lights to the shop. 


I jumped in surprise and I spun in my spot to look behind me. I gasped in surprise as Nam Soon, Lay and Sehun emerged from the shadows of the back room. I ran into them to give them a big hug, my heart was pounding in excitement. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked excitedly looking between each of their faces. Sehun's hair was a light brown now which he covered with his cap. He looked at me excitedly through his large sunglasses as he pulled us all into a big hug. Lay's forehead bang into mine and he ran his hand through his bangs. 

He looked at me and grinned, his dimples caving in. "I'm here for business and these two just wanted to tag along."

We broke apart and I motioned for them to sit down in the backroom. "Business with your company here?"

He nodded, leaned down and ruffled my hair. "How have you been Ling?"

"I've been great, how did you even get in here anyways." I looked over at Nam Soon, who looked as gorgeous as ever. "Look at you, all spiffy."

He chuckled at me and pulled on the collar of his dress shirt. "Thanks, Xiumin told us how to get in."

I couldn't help but smile as he mentioned his name. 

I wonder why Xiumin didn't come along.

I raised an eyebrow and punched Nam Soon playfully on the arm. "Aren't you close with EXO now."

He nodded and Sehun pushed him lightly. "Nam Soon's EXO's best friend now isn't he, he's always at our dorm, he might as well be living there."

Lay nodded. "He knows our schedule better than our manager if that's even possible."

Nam Soon laughed in embarrassment and moved to sit beside me. "I should probably move in to keep an eye on Borin you know?"

Sehun and Lay shot him a glare and Nam Soon recoiled in his seat apologetically. I shrugged and patted him on the back. "It's okay, don't worry. So is Borin living in the dorm now?"

Sehun scowled as Lay nodded. I couldn't help but smirk as I thought about Borin and her two-faced personality. It was almost laughable how desperate she was to get closer to the members, more specifically to Sehun. 

"Well, I got to work today, Zhang-ge isn't coming in till this afternoon." I stood up and rested my hand on my hips. "So, you guys-"

"I'll stay," Nam Soon stood hurriedly. "It's not fun to always be with them you know?"

Sehun shot him another glare as Lay laughed hysterically. Eventually, the two members snuck out from the back door again. That was after they made sure we were meeting up later that night.

As the business in the shop picked up, Nam Soon acted as the server while I prepared the various drinks. Some of the regulars insisted that they take a picture with Nam Soon, thinking he was some kind of Korean celebrity. I smiled as the last of the morning customers left, giggling as they passed Nam Soon in the shop. He moved over and sat on the counter with a deep sigh.

"This is a lot of work, how do you manage?" He said taking the ice tea I passed him.

I shrug and look at the street through the large windows. "I don't have the dashing good looks you have."

"You look happier now," He said and I looked at him in surprise. "In Korea, I feel like you spent the majority of your time crying."

I chuckled and shook my head. "I liked the time I spent with EXO, and you and Bo, Borin."

It took more effort to say her name than I thought. Nam Soon tilted his head to examine me closer.

"Borin," He smiled flatly. "Well you don't have to think about her and Luhan, I mean you're dating Sehun, your bias."

I straightened and looked at him in surprise. "What?"

He widened his eyes and played with his fingers. "That's what Sehun's been saying around the dorm, flashing that photo of his."

My mind flashed to the kiss we had on the couch and I blushed. "We're not dating."

He shrugged and shook his head. "That's what Xiumin, Baekhyun, and Lay keep saying, but the photo is pretty convincing."

I reached over and smacked him on the head. "Listen to your hyungs Nam Soon. What were you saying about Borin and Luhan."

Nam Soon's face flushed red and he looked down guiltily. He covered his mouth and turned away in his chair. 

"Nam Soon," I lowered my voice to a growl. "What is it?"

He shook his head stubbornly. "Xiumin said not to tell you."

Xiumin did?

"What, are they dating now?" I scoffed, crossing my arms and shot him a glare.

Nam Soon gave me a look and it confirmed my suspicions. I felt the anger consume me as I imagined Borin in the arms of Luhan.

Even though I had cut my ties with him, I felt my heart pinch with jealousy and dissappointment.

Even though I had cut my ties with him, I felt my heart pinch with jealousy and dissappointment

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