Chapter 61

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//Author's Notes:
Writing Xiumin's POV made me so sad, but it's gotta happen. Sigh.

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV 

On the morning of my flight, I woke up to Gabby's phone call. She yelled at me angrily saying repeatedly that I was going to be late if I did not meet up with her downstairs right now. I had packed away most of my clothes already, all that was left was the hoodie that lay at the foot of my bed. I pull it on over my tank top and didn't bother to zip it up. With a groan, I walk out of the hotel room lugging behind me my suitcases and join Gabby downstairs.

While I was returning my key to the front desk, I hear Gabby's mother calling my mother.

"She'll be fine," She kept saying. "We'll take good care of her."

I frowned. I had talked to my parents last night and explained the whole situation to them. At first, they were angry at me for getting mixed up with such a bad situation, but eventually thought it a good thing that I was going to be under a big entertainment business. 

Gabby loops her arm through mine and pulls me out into the car. She helped me load the trunk with my suitcase and eventually we were off towards the airport. I clutched my plane ticket, my heart racing in my chest. 

I was going to another country again, somewhere with a new language that I'll have to learn. I didn't mind the last part that much, I had learned a bit of English from school and I was confident that I could better.

My phone buzzed and I answered the call with Gabby staring curiously over my shoulder.

"Ling-er!" Sehun's voice blasted through the speaker and hit me full in the ear, making me wince. I smile as Gabby pressed the speaker button and the car filled with the sound of many voices. From the front seat, her parents look back at us grinning but didn't mind it.

"Ling, we're coming to see you off!" Baekhyun's unmistakable voice bellowed and I laughed.

"All of you?"

"Not Chanyeol, he's still being a pain." Chen laughed. "It's crazy here at the airport-"

"Yeah, there are fans of yours here too!" Sehun said over the cheering of what sounded like a crowd.

I flushed. "M-my fans?"

Sure enough, when we arrived at the airport, a mob of people rushed to greet me. They passed me gifts and wished me a safe return from my trip to America. I smile shyly, bowing my head over and over at them. Nam Soon forced himself through the crowd and helped Gabby's family and me into the airport where EXO stood waiting for us. I felt a wave of emotions come over me as they came into view and I found myself rubbing at my eyes. Gabby's family pulled her away to leave me some space to talk to them before I went into the terminal.

"G-guys," I managed to say before the endless amounts of tears poured out of my eyes.

They smiled and exchanged glances at each other before coming around me and holding me at the center of a group hug. Lay's hair tickled my face and I laughed between sniffles. I looked up at him wiping my eyes roughtly. He grinned at me with his brows arching upwards and helped me wipe my tears. 

"Ah, Ling, don't cry," He sighed.

"Yeah Ling, if you cry, we're all going to cry too!" Chen said leaning on Lay's shoulder.

I give them a grin and tried to contain my tears. Nam Soon held my shoulders and moved me to stand at one end while the boys got into formation for some kind of performance.

I stare at them blankly as the crowd of people formed a ring around us in anticipation. They break out in dance and started to sing Chime in the middle of the crowded airport. I cover my face with my hands in embarrasment as the crowd died down to hear their voices.

One by one, the members came up to me and offered me a rose. I grin to myself like an idiot as the roses start to pile up. First, it was D.O, then Baekhyun, then Kai, and Lay. They stood next to me as the remaining members continue the performance, clapping their hands along with the music. My eyes rest on Xiumin as he danced with a quirky smile on his face, directed more for the crowd then for me and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Luhan walks forward and starts belting his solo. I blush as he hands me the rose with a wink and join the others beside me. Weirdly enough, I felt the lingering feeling of his lips on mine and my mind went blank. I stared at the roses to avoid his eyes and only looked up when I felt the presence of the next person in front of me. 

Sehun came next. He smiled awkwardly and quickly sang his part as if embarrassed to be performing in the airport. I snickered as he stumbled over his foot while giving me his flower and the other members howled with laughter. He scratched the back of his head and stood behind me, leaning his chin on my forehead in exasperation. Suho passed me the flower along with a bow. When he passed me, he whispered a word of apology, which I assumed was for the incident with Borin. I toss him a forgiving smile which he returned graciously.

It was only Chen and Xiumin now. The crowd cheered as they did a dance solo in the middle of the circle, moving their feet quickly in sync. I held my breath as Xiumin walked up to me and handed me the rose. He didn't look at me, but I could see tears roll down his cheek.

"Aish, hyung!" Baekhyun nudged him.

It was as if he had popped a bubble. Xiumin's eyes met mine and the next thing I knew, his arms were around me. He didn't say anything as he held me in his arms but my heart sped up all the same. I watch as Chen stopped his dancing and came over to join us with an embarrassed expression. Everyone piled forward into a giant group hug and I just couldn't contain anything anymore.

I sobbed. I was going to leave everyone behind. The memories we've made together, whether it was good or bad, flashed before my eyes like a movie. They've made me feel so loved and welcomed in the past few months and I couldn't be more thankful for that.

Xiumin's arms around me didn't falter or rather, he pulled me closer. I could feel his breath against my ear and for a moment, it felt as if it was only me and him in an empty airport.

I let my hands rest on his waist as we rocked back and forth just like we did when we were dating. He snuggled his face into the base of my neck and I felt the wetness of his face from the tears that streamed from his eyes.

He whispered in my ear endless amounts of apologies until finally, he pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine. I stared into his warm brown eyes and held my breath.

"Ling, I will always love you."

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