Chapter 9

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//Author's Note:
Sehun and Xiumin don't seem to be on good terms. As Sehun storms off, Ling decided to follow after. But what does Xiumin think of this?


Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Sehun's POV

I heard footsteps following after me but did not turn to see who it was. I shut myself in my room without giving a chance for the person to follow in.

They knocked on the door. "Sehun, open up."

It was Ling. I looked up feeling irritated.

Why hadn't Xiumin brought back Luhan rather than this girl? Why was she here anyway?

"Sehun, please open up," she continued. "Don't do this."

I scowled in the darkness.

Next she's probably going to tell me all the words I want to hear. Yes, I know how comforting people works.

"You know you're really a jerk for saying those things to Xiumin."

I glared at the door.


"I get that you're angry but come on, don't be so immature about it."

She was not helping.

"I guess that's what you get for being the youngest."

I swung open the door in anger. "What did you say?"

She slipped passed me and into my room. I held back my anger and closed the door.

"You planned that."

She turned on the light and smiled. "Oh, believe me, I meant everything I said."

I frowned.

"Let's run through this in Xiumin's perspective okay?"

I sat angrily on my bed and said nothing.

"Xiumin wants to see Luhan, he doesn't care if he breaks the rules, he's ready for the consequences." She paused. "Do you think he would've told you the youngest member to break the rules?"

I thought about it.

"If let's say something went wrong on the way and you got caught. Who do you think is going to be more disadvantaged? The older guy or the younger?"

I looked at Ling. Her eyes were soft and her brows were furrowed.

She made some good points.

"I could've prepared myself for the consequences." I reasoned with myself.

"Xiumin couldn't," she didn't hesitate. "I doubt he would've forgiven himself if something bad had happened."

I felt guilt rush throughout my body like a bolt of lightning. I stood and gave Ling a hug. "Thank you."

She stared at me blankly when I let go and I couldn't help but smile.

Xiumin's POV

I didn't know what was worst. The fact that Sehun and I were fighting, or the fact that Ling went to him rather than me. I sat in the living room with the other members giving me words of comfort. I could never tell if what they say were genuine or just out of respect because I'm the oldest. I kept glancing in the direction of Sehun's room hoping Ling would return at any time now.

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