Chapter 18

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//Author's Note:
Ling's hurt by the secrets that Borin and Luhan are hiding. Getting close to Luhan seems almost hopeless to Ling now. 

Moving on to the filming of the show!

Thank you for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV

I woke up to the sound of drilling and banging from the walls. I peeked out of my room to see cameras being installed around the rooms and hallways and immediately retreated back into my room. I changed quickly and walked out in shorts and the EXO hoody that Chen had bought for me. I bowed to the workers around the house and met up with Xiumin in the kitchen.

He looked at me as I entered but didn't say anything. He stood motionless by the sink as I helped myself to a cup of milk. I stood next to him and took a sip of milk.

"So we're filming today huh?"

He nodded, his eyes darting back and forth searching for words to say. "Last night-"

"Sorry," I blurted out without thinking. 

He looked at me a bit taken aback. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I burdened you Oppa," I looked away, a bit embarrassed.

He laughed at me and placed his elbow on my head. "No, you really didn't, don't worry. Remember you can always come talk to me."

We looked at each other, his big brown eyes sparkling with excitement. He smiled and I couldn't help but laugh at the way his cheeks puffed up.

A few moments later, all of the EXO members sat on the couch with Luhan and I. I sat between Xiumin and Kai farthest from Luhan and, not knowing how to act around him, I avoided Luhan's every attempt at eye contact. The director handed me a piece of paper.

"This is EXO's schedule for today, as the first episode, both Ling and Luhan will be required to participate," he paused. "The cameras are set up in all the rooms except in Ling's room and the bathrooms to keep your privacy."

Chanyeol chuckled. "Wow, this is like Roommates, EXO edition!"

D.O punched him on the arm and laughed at him. "EXO edition?"

"Exactly that!" The director said enthusiastically.

The 11 of us, EXO, Luhan and I, left our the dorm, which was still full of drilling and banging sounds, for EXO's first schedule. Each of us was assigned a cameraman and Luhan and I received our own handheld camcorder for convenient video taking. I followed Suho into the dressing room and sat on the far side of the room to get my makeup done.

Baekhyun sat next to me and looked at them apply eye shadow to my eyelids.

"Woah, you're looking great!" He winked at me.

Lay joined us just as they were finishing up with my makeup. "Woah, Ling is a beauty."

I blushed and covered my face with my hand. My heart thumped loudly in response to the random praises they shot at me. 

"Aish, you guys are too much." I muttered into my hand and the two of them laughed.

As the members were having the photo shoot, we recorded them and made them laugh. At lunch time, the person who I've been avoiding all morning came over to me.

"Hey," Luhan said closing up his camera. "How does it feel to be on set?"

I shrug and look at his eyes. He looked at me warmly, a smile playing on his lips. His shaggy brown hair was gelled up to double the size of his head and his eyeliner was, needless to say, on point.

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