Chapter 11

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//Author's Note:
So about the last chapter...

WHAT HAVE I DONE! I'm sorry but that was necessary. Please forgive me.

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV

I woke up to the smell of breakfast and wandered in my pajamas to the kitchen where Xiumin was making breakfast.

He turned to me holding a cup of coffee. "This is about the only thing I can make well."

He puffed his cheeks in embarrassment and passed the cup to me.

"It smells amazing," I smiled at him. "Thank you."

I took a sip just as Baekhyung, Chanyeol and Sehun came down the stairs.

"Woah!" Baekhyung called out. "Ling, you shorts! They're so-"

I blushed hard and tried to pull down my shorts.

Sehun smacked him on the head and held him in a choke hold. "What were you thinking hyung."

Baekhyung laughed and the two of them moved to the couch and crashed.

"Wow, hyung!" Chanyeol's mouth watered at the site of the food. "Is this all for us?"

Xiumin laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, it's not that great."

He passed me a plate of eggs, toast and bacon and leaned on the counter as Chanyeol and Sehun helped themselves to breakfast.

"Where do you want to go today, let's go do something fun." He grinned and tilted his head.

I pinched his cheeks and giggled. "So cute." I blurted out.

He frowned and pushed my hand away. "Stop it."

I looked at him blankly kind of shocked.

"I'll meet you back here in 10 minutes for our outing okay?" He said without looking at me.

"Yeah, okay." I said hesitantly and watched him go back to his room.

I sat there in silence trying to comprehend what had happened. Sehun took Xiumin's place in front of me and looked me in the eye. "You shouldn't have said that."

"What? I didn't offend him." I groaned.

He flicked my forehead. "Aish this girl. You hurt his man pride."

I furrowed my brows and looked at him skeptically.

"You see, guys don't like being called cute." He stabbed a piece of bacon with his fork.

"Hey don't worry. He'll get over it." He said with his mouthful. "Go get changed, you have a date don't you?"

I blushed red and left quickly as Sehun chuckled behind me.

About five minutes later I walked out of my room only to walk right into Sehun. He put a finger to his lips and guided me back into my room.

"Wear this." He held up a pale blue blouse. "He bought this for you yesterday."

As Sehun stood facing the door with a towel wrapped over his eyes, I changed into a white tank top and put on the blouse. It was a perfect fit. There were holes at the shoulders and the medium length sleeves connected to the body of the shirt where it puffed out. It matched nicely with my denim shorts and the white sneakers that Luhan had given me.

"How do I look?" I uncovered Sehun's eyes and spun him around to face me.

He gave me the thumbs up. "Go get him." He winked at me and I smiled.

A Deer and A Baozi [Luhan And Xiumin(EXO) Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now