Chapter 45.5

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Special chapter for you lovelies who would like to know what's going on in Borin's head.
Really did have so much fun writing this! Enjoy!

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Borin's POV

I met Ling the day she moved to Korea, it was purely coincidental that we bumped into each other at the airport. I had been waiting for EXO's flight with my camera when she walked into me with her luggage.

"Yah!" I screeched at her when she bumped my camera to the ground. She bowed her head and leaned to pick up my Nikon DSLR camera that I bought with almost all of my savings.

"Sorry," She muttered in choppy Korean not meeting my eyes.

I grabbed my camera from her hands and checked for damages, luckily it was only a small scratch on the button. I sighed and looked at her.

She was a cute girl, her dyed brown hair was long and wavy against her flawless skin. Her eyes were big behind her thick rimmed glasses and her lips were coral pink. Her figure was small and she was about an inch shorter than me. 

She bowed her head at me again and walked off. That was what I thought would be the last I'd see of her.

To my surprise, Ling showed up in my lecture on the first day of class. She was sitting a few rows below me with her laptop, tapping away at what the professor was saying.

"Hey, Nam Soon," I muttered hitting the boy next to me. "Who is that."

Back then, Nam Soon had absolutely no sense of style. His hair was so long that it hid his small eyes and acne filled forehead. His wardrobe consisted only of blue jeans, that one pair of Nikes, and gray hoodies, of which he wore today.

He scratched his head and glanced at the girl I was pointing at before returning to his notes. "New student, I don't know."

I guess it was part jealousy when I befriended her that day. She was pretty for a Chinese girl and I was sort of envious of that. I introduced her to Nam Soon, and the three of us eventually became inseparable.

It was only natural that I taught her all the K-pop knowledge I had, just as I did with Nam Soon. I introduced her to 2PM, Big Bang,  and eventually my favourite group of all time EXO.

"EXO is my god," I told her as we were watching the Overdose music video. "I literally worship them every day."

Ling's Korean was still choppy back then, so her replies all came with a slight delay.

"I like the music," She smiled at me just as we were about to watch it again.

I clapped excitedly. "You have to pick a favourite!"

Ling gave me a strange look. "A favourite? I can't like all of them?"

I chuckled, Ling was so new to K-pop and it reminded me of how I was like before. I played the video again and she focused her eyes on the members.

"Here!" She paused the video at Luhan and smiled at me.

"He's cute," I nodded in agreement but I knew, no one could beat Sehun to my heart.

"Let's keep going, maybe there's someone else," Ling said excitedly.

In the end, she paused at four members, Luhan, Sehun, Xiumin and Suho. I pulled up their individual pictures on my laptop and placed my arm around her shoulder.

"This is hard," Ling's brows furrowed as her eyes darted from picture to picture. "Sehun then!"

My heart sank a bit as she uttered the name of my bias in the group but I forced a smile. "Great!"

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