Chapter 50

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//Author's Note:
Luhan asks Xiumin to break up with Ling as a friend, but is it actually as a friend or is it as a love rival? Xiumin knows deep in his heart that in order to protect Ling, he can not be in EXO so what's his next course of action?

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Sehun's POV

I woke up in the morning next to Borin and to my relief, my clothes were still on my body.

I got up from the bed careful not to wake her and worked my way around the unfamiliar room. I found my way to the washroom and quickly made contact with the others.

"Sehun? Where did you sleep last night? Where are you?" 

The members bombarded me with questions and I couldn't help but smile.

"Are you alright? Borin didn't do anything weird did she?" Ling's voice protruded in the background and I felt the colour rise to my face.

Ling was worried about me.

"I'm fine, I have no idea where I am, though," I muttered carefully. "I woke up next to Borin."

"What?" Baekhyun roared in the phone. "Get out of there!"

Before I could answer, the door to the washroom slammed open and Borin stared up at me, her eyes were wide in anger.

"Who are you calling," She was fuming. "That better not be Ling on the other end."

I held the speaker with my hand and threw her a nervous glare. "It's the members, I'm calling the members."

Her expression softened slightly but she didn't let me go. I squirmed as she wrapped her hand around my arms and leaned into me. She looked at me with a pout. "Hunnie, you know not to talk to Ling right? You're my boyfriend, and anyways, Xiumin wouldn't like it if you talk to his girlfriend."

I gritted my teeth as she mentioned Xiumin. I knew they were dating and I didn't like to be reminded of that fact.

Borin pulled me out of the washroom and pushed me on the bed with her knee pinning beside my hips. I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. "Borin, I don't think that-"

She pressed her lips to mine and moved her hand up my shirt pushing me down. I felt her nails scratch my abdomen and up the side of my stomach to my chest where she made a circling motion. Her body was close to mine and her breath was hot against my skin.

It's different.

She nibbled at my ear and pressed my head against the bed. I closed my eyes and focused my thoughts.

It's not Ling.

Ling's POV

Kai held the phone in his hands and we all stared at it blankly. Sehun hung up without a warning, and that made all of us worry. 

"I'm sure he's fine," Luhan whispered behind me and I turned to see his face inches away from mine. I retreated away and glanced at Xiumin, who had not noticed. Luhan chuckled beside me as the members disbanded from beside Kai's phone. "Shouldn't you be packing Ling? We are leaving for Korea tomorrow."

I gaped at him. "I didn't buy the tickets yet!"

Xiumin waved his hand at me to get my attention. "I got them, don't worry."

I blinked in confusion. "When did you have the time to do that?"

"Oh!" Lay yelled with a mouthful of cookie. "Xiumin hyung ordered your ticket the minute he landed here."

"I remember asking him why, and he said that he was sure you were going to go back to Korea." D.O snickered at Xiumin as his face glowed red.

Xiumin looked up at me with his big eyes and smiled lightly at me. "And I was right, you are going back to Korea."

We smiled at each other our faces just as red as the other's.

"Aigoo," Nam Soon rested his arms on our shoulders bringing us closer to each other. "You guys are like newly-weds."

This time, no one was there to punch Nam Soon on the arm for his comment. My smile faltered and my eyes dropped to the ground as I thought about Sehun. Nam Soon realized that I became silent and realized that he said something he shouldn't have.

"What are we going to do about Sehun?" I asked, my voice cracking.

Everyone fell silent. I looked up at Xiumin to see that he was avoiding my eyes, same with everyone else.

"I don't think we can do anything else Ling," D.O let out an exasperated sigh.

"They'll probably return to the dorm," Chen shrugged. "Ling, don't worry."

I frowned. I didn't like that the members didn't care much about Sehun's well-being. They didn't seem to want to get him out of his relationship with Borin. However, I was different, after all-

It was my fault.

I recalled the way he looked at me at the studio and I felt an overwhelming number of emotions wash over me. I bit back trying to hold back the tears that were about to fall at any second now.

"Ling," Luhan's voice was soft in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me.

My heart, although I didn't want it to, skipped a beat. I felt him rest his chin at the base of my neck and realized that everyone was staring at us, including Xiumin.

He didn't say anything, but from his stern cold eyes, it was evident that he didn't like it.

"Luhan," Baekhyun grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "Ling and Xiumin hyung are dating."

I blush as the others mutter in agreement. My eyes stopped at Xiumin, but he didn't return my stare.

"Hyung!" Chen called to him and motioned for him to say something to Luhan but he didn't.

He turned and headed out to the hallway and I ran after him. Something was wrong.

"Minseok," he was walking unbelievably fast and I had to jog to keep up with him.

He stopped in the back lobby where we were secluded.

"Ling," he still refused to look me in the eye. "Who would you rather be with, Luhan? Or me?" 

 "Who would you rather be with, Luhan? Or me?" 

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