Chapter 52

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//Author's Note:
Yeah okay, I'm sorry, I just really like writing cute scenes with Xiumin and Ling. These two are adorable. Anyways, what does this mean? Are they back together? Questions that I like to ask myself as well.

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story. 
Luhan's POV

I found Ling sleeping on the balcony floor the next morning. I was getting up to close the slightly ajar balcony door when I spotted her curled up in her blanket with her face hidden from view.

I joined her on the balcony, kneeling on the ground next to her. What was she doing on the floor?

Slowly, I fit my hands underneath her body to lift her up. As I brought her to my chest, her face flipped to me and her lips parted just ever so slightly. 

Her face was wet with tears.

My heart pinched in pain at her swollen eyes and I flashed back to the night she cried in front of my room.

She's been crying again.

I took her back inside and into her room quietly so not to wake her. As I lowered her onto the bed, Ling moved. She wrapped her arms around my neck, holding onto me for dear life. I felt her wet cold cheeks on mine and found myself being pulled on top of her, pinning her to the bed. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I held my breath unable to breathe. Her body and her lips were inches away from mine.

"Please," Her eyes remained closed and she turned away from me falling motionless once more. "Don't go."

This time, I stayed by her side.

Ling's POV

I woke up in warmth. It was difficult to pry open my eyes as they were still sore from exhaustion. I cuddled myself closer to the arm that held me recalling the night before.

I remembered Xiumin's body against mine, sharing warmth and going further than we ever went before. The feeling of his fingers and lips on my skin still lingered. I gave a small shudder and quirked a smile.

"Good morning."

I looked up surprised in response to a voice that was not Xiumin's. Luhan's smiling brown eyes stared into mine and I felt my heart race with panic.


I ducked under the covers and, after checking that I was still clothed, leaped out of the bed. "What are you doing in my bed!"

He laughed, amused at my reaction, and I felt my face grow red. I pull down my T-shirt to cover more of my legs and sat at my desk, avoiding his eyes. My heart was racing despite my desperate effort to keep it calm.

It's only Luhan, the one I love is Minseok.

It didn't work. I hear him sit on the edge of the bed and I turned my head slightly to peek at him. His face still had the amused and playful smile he had from before. His eyes wrinkled gleefully and the corners of his mouth rose little by little. "Ling, not to rush you but-"

Baekhyun opened the door with no hesitation and I squealed in surprise. My heart was pounding out of control as the members gathered at the door staring at the two of us.

"Luhan, you just couldn't wait could you," Nam Soon laughed into his hand.

"Did you have fun last night," Chen and Lay cooed together.

I squeezed my eyes shut behind my hand and crouched behind the bed to hide. I hear their laughter grow quieter until eventually, they disappear into the next room. Feeling slightly more relieved, I let out a small sigh and turned my head to look over my bed.

A Deer and A Baozi [Luhan And Xiumin(EXO) Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now