Chapter 27

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//Author's Note:
A full day with Ling lies ahead for Luhan, how is he going to take this opportunity to mend his broken relationship with Ling?

Thank's for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV

I couldn't sleep last night at all. I couldn't stop thinking about what Luhan had said the night before. He was sorry for lying about his feelings for Borin. What does that mean?

I rolled out of my bed at five in the morning feeling exhaustion shoot through my body. I stood and examined the bruises that were on my body, they were almost completely gone. I grinned thinking about the fans that came up to me yesterday telling me how much they loved the show and told me to keep supporting their EXO members in their place. I knew that it was because the members have asked the fans to be nice to me, but none the less, it felt good knowing that they had now accepted me even a little.

I left my room and stopped in front of Luhan's door. I thought about the night that I had cried in front of the door and I mentally kicked myself. So stupid, that was such a stupid thing to do.

"Ling?" I turned in response to my name. It was Sehun and Xiumin.

"Good morning." I grinned at them. "What are you doing up so early?"

Xiumin yawned. "Our schedule starts early today."

Together, the three of us ate dinner in the living room and little by little the others joined us. Eventually, the EXO members were getting ready to leave and Luhan was still nowhere to be found. I stood in the doorway and watched as the tired members piled into the black van and headed for their first schedule.

"Good morning Ling," Luhan's soft voice rang out behind me. I turned to see him standing in the kitchen with a glass of milk in his hand.

I stared at him hard. "I thought you wanted to get there early today."

He shrugged. "The concert is at night, there's no point going so early."

Feeling the exhaustion of the sleepless night, I groaned and lay on the couch. Luhan moved to sit beside me. "Sorry, did you wake up really early?"

I nodded and looked up at him. "I'm going to sleep a while, should I call Borin to keep you company?"

"No!" He said rather hurriedly, his face was bright red in embarrassment.

I grinned and sat up. "What, are you sure?"

He reached over and ruffled my hair playfully. "I told you, I told you a lie about my feelings with Borin, as in-"

"You don't like Borin?" I leaned in to observe his red face.

He nodded slightly. "I confused my feelings for her with someone else."

His eyes were soft as they landed on mine. He moved to sit next to me and held my hand in his. "Ling, what would you say if I told you that I actually liked you instead?"

My mind went blank for a moment and I felt my face burn. "I wouldn't believe you."

He laughed and squeezed my hand. "Yeah, I didn't think so."

He looked at me solemnly and for a second I almost believed him. I pushed his hand away and got up. I can't let my feelings get in the way now.

I took out my phone and dialed for Borin and Nam Soon. I couldn't bear to stay here alone with Luhan any longer. I pressed the phone to my ear and listened to the tone. On the third tone, I felt Luhan's body behind me and his hand pressed against mine. He moved the phone away from my ear and wrapped arms around me.

"Luhan?" My words were caught in my throat and I froze on the spot, my phone fell to the ground.

He rested his chin at the base of my neck and held me close. My shoulders shook slightly and I felt Luhan's breath press against the back of my ear.

"Luhan, why-"

"When," He whispered in my ear and cutting me off. "When did you stop calling me Ge?"

I felt his nose nudge the base of my neck and his lips pressed against the back of my neck. My eyes widened in shock as a cold shiver ran down my spine. His arm wrapped around my stomach and pulled me to sit in his lap on the couch.

"Luhan," I gasped as he nudged my neck with kisses.

I pried myself free from his grip and stood in front of him. "I beg of you, Luhan. Stop giving me all these signals! Stop giving me false hope, just, let me be and leave me alone!"

He stood up abruptly and looked me in the eye with a frustrated expression. "How am I giving you false hope! When have I ever!"

I buried my face in my hands and ran my hands through my hair. "All the times you were extra friendly with me. Acting close to me even though we've just met."

I felt a rush of emotions overwhelm me and suddenly my vision was blurred by tears. "The times you've held me..."

My voice drowned out and the two of us stood in silence in the middle of the living room. He placed his hands on my shoulder and leaned in to look at me firmly. "Ling, don't cry again."

And that started it. The endless amount of tears that I've been holding back the last couple of days overwhelmed me and poured out of my eyes. I thought about the nights I lay awake in my bed staring at the ceiling and thought about Luhan. All the times I tried to convince myself that it didn't hurt to know that he liked another girl. All the times Xiumin tried to comfort me.


My heart sped up as my mind wandered to the bright-eyed boy who had always worried about me and I looked up at Luhan. Could it be that I had feelings for Xiumin? All this time, I've been taking Xiumin's kindness to me for granted, but lately-

Lately, Xiumin's presence made me feel safe and calm. His smile made me smile, and his words made my heart flutter.

I stared at Luhan's soft longing eyes and my head swam in confusion. 

What was it that I wanted to expect from Luhan? Was it possible to like two people at the same time?

What was it that I wanted to expect from Luhan? Was it possible to like two people at the same time?

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