Chapter 46

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//Author's Note:
What kind of deal did Borin want to strike with Sehun? Knowing Borin's past, it's probably very unlikely that she will hurt Ling, but Xiumin is still very worried. Is he going to get in?

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Sehun's POV

Borin was really starting to freak me out. She spun around the studio pulling out various dance moves from our songs. I shuddered as she moved closer to me and I took yet another step back, fully aware that eventually my back was going to just hit the wall.

"Where is Ling," I asked again.

"Let's make that deal, then we'll talk about Ling." She sang.

I heaved a sigh and crossed my arms at her. "Alright, what's your deal?"

She smiled and grabbed me by the arm. She pulled herself close to me and rested her hands on my back.

"Let's date."

I pushed her away almost immediately. "Excuse me?"

"We don't have to publicize it, I just want to be closer to you." She slid a finger down my chest giving me the shivers. "Both mentally and physically."

"I don't like you," I growled. "You're dating Luhan."

She waved a hand at me. "Luhan was just to make Ling angry, there are no feelings attached to that relationship."

She tried to hug me again and I jumped out of her reach. I held a hand out to her, making sure she didn't come any closer.

"This is sick," I said to her. "You're sick, and I'm not going to date you."

She pouted and raised an eyebrow. "Then what do you suggest I do with Ling?"

Ling safety was at stake here.

"For how long?"

She looked at me in surprise and leaned towards me. "Do you like Ling?"

I felt the colour rise to me cheeks and I looked away trying to cover my face with my hands. "N-no."

"You know," Borin said slowly. "She and Xiumin were kissing at an ice-cream stall."

I said nothing but my heart raced as I imagined Ling's lips on Xiumins. So they really are dating.

"But that doesn't matter, there don't seem to be a problem," She said, her voice was flat.

I looked at her but she wasn't looking at me now. She stared hard at her shoes.

"I don't like Ling," I said firmly again. I don't know what my feelings for her are yet.

She looked up at me and nodded. "Alright, let's date until you fall in love."

"With you?"

She smiled. "With anyone, as long as you fall in love. Though I'm sure that it'll be with me."

I blinked at her, what was she trying to say?

"Do we have a deal?"

"I guess so."

Borin grabbed my hand and I jerked forward. She placed her hand around my neck and pulled me into a kiss, her tongue snaking into my mouth.

I closed my eyes praying for Lings safety and realised that my body didn't tingle the way it did when I kissed Ling.

Ling's POV

I sat in the backroom looking into the studio. Apparently the mirror was one-way and I could see through to the other side. The guys who pulled me into the room stood on guard at the exits, each wearing a mask to hide their identity.

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