Chapter 28

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//Author's Note:
Ling is confused with her feelings for the two boys. She doesn't seem to know what she wants from either of them anymore. Meanwhile, Luhan seems determined to get his feelings across to her, will he succeed?

Thank's for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Luhan's POV

Ling's shoulders shook lightly under my hands as tears streamed down her face. Her brown eyes locked with mine and kept me in a trance. I brushed my fingers against her cheek and wiped away her tears.

"Ling, don't cry," I stepped closer to her and held her in a hug. "I'm sorry."

I stood there with Ling in my arms listening to the sound of her muffled crying. Slowly, her sniffles resided until eventually, her shoulders stopped shaking. She pulled her face from my arms and looked up at me, her face was wet with her tears.


I held her head to my shoulder and looked away, I couldn't bear to hear what she was about to say. "Let's start over."

Give me another chance to win you over.

She stayed silent. I felt her hand reach behind my back and hug me lightly. I won't hurt you anymore.

Ling's POV

Luhan's manager came to pick us up before noon. Luhan pulled me into the car after him and we headed to the concert hall. In the van, his makeup artist did his makeup but not even once did Luhan let go of my hand.

With two more hours before the concert starts, Luhan and I met up with Zhang-ge in his changeroom. As the two of them chattered enthusiastically, I waited patiently for Borin and Nam Soon to arrive. Luhan had promised the two of them that they could watch backstage with me to keep me company. My phone rang abruptly and I left the room to take it. I felt Luhan's lingering stare on my back as I backed out of the room.

"Ling!" Sehun's excited voice blared into my ear."Suho said okay!"


My mind automatically flashed to my kiss with Kai. I opened my mouth to object.

"Xiumin, stop! Hyung," Sehun's voice faded out.

"Ling," Xiumin's voice was calm and firm. "Don't listen to Sehun, he's just doing useless things."

I laughed at him. "What are you guys doing right now?"

"The usual photo shoot," He chuckled. "We'll probably drop by Luhan's concert later so wait for us!"

"Really?" I felt my face burn up as I thought about Xiumin.

"Really what?"

Luhan peaked out from the change room. "Who are you on the phone with?"

Before I had the chance to answer, he took the phone out of my hand and held it to her ear. "Hello?"

I watched as the color drained out of his face and he walked away with my phone. "Xiumin, why are you calling Ling?"

Feeling kind of dejected, I leaned against the door of the change room. Two familiar figures walked down the hallway and waved at me.

"Borin, Nam Soon!" I held out my hand to wave at them, then registering what they were wearing, I recoiled in embarrassment.

Borin giggled, her hair was dyed blonde today with a single strip of pink down on her left side. She wore a black leather jacket over a white graphic tank top. Her charm necklace dangled in front of her chest. She wore a pair of denim shorts over a pair of tall leather boots. As usual, her face was masked with a thick layer of makeup, so much so that people in the hallway bowed at her thinking she was an idol. However, Nam Soon wasn't any less flashy. Her brown hair was gelled up and dyed at the ends. He wore a pair of white skinny jeans with an oversized hoodie drooping over his broad shoulders. His red high tops covered the majority of his ankles and he walked down the hallway with his chin held high.

I shook my head and avoided their eyes as they stopped in front of me. "Hey Ling, did you wait long?"

I smiled. "Nope, you came just in time."

Borin looped her arms around mine. "I texted you but you didn't reply."

I looked in the direction of Luhan who was still standing at the end of the hallway, speaking urgently on my phone.

"Oh! It's Luhan!" Borin squealed excitedly.

"Borin, it's his concert," Nam Soon rolled his eyes at her and exchanged smiles with me. "calm down."

Luhan came over and joined us. After passing me back my phone, he ushered us into the changeroom where we watched him get his makeup done and his clothes changed. Borin and Luhan chatted like old friends as Nam Soon and I sat on the sidelines exchanging glances. I couldn't help but feel jealous about their history together. Still not fully sure what had happened in their past, my mind wandered as I imagined absurd scenarios the two of them were in together.

"Hey, you think the two of them know each other from before?" Nam Soon whispered at me as Zhang-ge handed us a cup of coffee. "they're so close looking."

"Apparently, Borin used to be a backup dancer," I stopped him before he started to make a big deal out of it. "Don't tell her I told you."

He leaned in and rested a hand on my arm. "So Borin's been lying to us this whole time about knowing him then. Wow, to her own friends."

He tossed her a disapproving look and shook his head. "How'd you know about it anyways?"

I flashed back to the night we talked in the living room and felt my heart pinch in pain. I turned my head to whisper to Nam Soon. "Luhan told me, I had to pry it out of him you know?"

He gave a low chuckle and nudged my arm bringing me closer to him. "Have you found an EXO member you like yet, or, will it forever be Sehun."

I blushed and hid my face behind his shoulder out of his view. "What do you mean?"

"Sehun was always your bias wasn't he? Did he meet up with your expectations?"

"Hey, that's enough." Luhan placed a hand on my shoulder and gently moved me away from Nam Soon. Nam Soon looked at me with a surprised expression then at Luhan. He laughed awkwardly and moved to sit next to Zhang-ge who did not even acknowledge him. 

Luhan replaced Nam Soon beside me and leaned lazily on my shoulder. "EXO's coming later."

I felt my shoulders stiffen and nodded at him. I glanced at Borin who stared at me with an emotionless expression.

I wonder if she has feelings for him, enough for her to hide her past life from me.

The five of us sat in an awkward silence, the only sound that could be heard was of Zhang-ge flipping a page in his book. 

"Luhan," His manager stormed into the room swearing in Chinese. "There are pictures of you and her online."

Zhang-ge straightened up and leaned in to look at the phone he was holding. Sure enough, the picture was of Luhan at the door of his change room ushering in-



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