Chapter 33

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//Author's Note:
Borin was the one behind all of those fan attacks!? And to make matters worse, Luhan trusted Borin over Ling, need I say more?

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Xiumin's POV

I couldn't look away from Ling, there was a red scratch across her cheek and blood was plastered all over her face. She looked desperately at Luhan who didn't seem to care that she was there. His arms held onto the bruised Borin like a protective armor and didn't give so much as a glance to Ling. 

"Luhan," Her voice was frail and on the verge of breaking down. My eyes darted to Luhan who looked around at everywhere but at her. I felt my brows twitch in anger. I didn't know what the situation was, but Ling was standing there, waiting for reassurance from him and he was just going to ignore it? Every inch of my body told me that I should go to her and hold her but I knew that it was not the time for me to interfere. 

I watched without a word as Luhan supported Borin back into the building. Suho, Chanyeol and Baekhyun followed after him interrogating him on what had just happened until eventually they were out of earshot.

Ling closed her eyes and her legs gave out underneath her causing her to collapse on the ground. I rushed towards her followed by the rest of the members and surrounded her as she began to sob quietly into her hands.

"I didn't do it," She kept saying. "Why won't he believe me."

I reached out to wrap my arms around her shoulders but to my surprise, she reached for me before I even got to her. She rested her face against my chest and cried quietly as the members kneeled around her uttering words of comfort. I held her close and said nothing, Ling was not the type to take comforting words, she would rather sit in silence and understand the matter herself or in this case, cry it out.

Eventually, we made our way back to the studio where the other members, Luhan, and Borin were sitting waiting for us. The producers have gone out for lunch and the whole studio was empty of any other persons.

"So what's the deal?" Kai asked Baekhyun as the three of the members came over to join us on the other side of the room. 

"Ling attacked Borin with some strange masked men that's what." Chanyeol shot Ling a disgusted look from the corner of his eyes.

"Chany-" Suho began but Baekhyun was already holding on to his collar.

"Say that again Chanyeol," He growled his fist at the ready. "I dare you."

Lay and Chen moved to tear them apart as Suho placed a hand between them. "That's only what Borin was saying though and Luhan-"

"Luhan agreed!" Baekhyun was furious. "Luhan agreed with Borin, Suho, don't tell me you believe her too!"

Suho sighed and looked at Ling who sat with me and Sehun on either side of her. "Well? Tell us what really happened."

Ling avoided our gaze and looked over at Luhan and Borin. She heaved a heavy sigh and stared at her hands. "Borin met me back there and she called those men. When they came, I thought they were going to attack me but instead, they attacked her."

Chanyeol scoffed almost immediately after Ling finished her story and I glared at him, biting back my urge to hit him across the face. Once again, Baekhyun was faster than I was. His fist flew and collided with the side of Chanyeol's face knocking him off his chair. Ling stood up and went over to help him up only to have her hand slapped away.

"Ling, you think I would believe that Borin, a nice girl would call on men to get herself beaten up?" He shook his head at her.

"That does seem a little unrealistic Ling." Chen mumbled to himself and I turned on him.

I watched as Ling's shoulder's trembled and her hands rolled up into a ball. "I didn't do it!"

Kai moved over and pressed his hands on her shoulders trying to calm her down. "We believe you, Ling, don't worry."

"I don't know Kai, her story is a bit," Suho paused. "I can't see that happening."

"Go over there then," Baekhyun was fuming, he had never looked so angry in all the times I have spent time with him. "Don't stand here, go over to her."

I watched him push Chen and Suho away towards Borin. Chanyeol looked more than happy to leave as he heaved himself up and walked over without a word. Baekhyun turned on the rest of us. "Anyone else think that Ling told those men to beat up Borin?"

D.O rested a hand on Ling's shoulder. "I don't think Ling is the type."

Lay nodded in agreement.

"Obviously not," Sehun scoffed. 

Ling turned to look at us, her eyes were wet with tears but she mustered up the energy to smile. However, the smile didn't last more than a minute before more tears streamed down her face and she started to bawl uncontrollably. We helped her sit down just as Luhan walked over with Borin.

Baekhyun glared at her. "What do you want."

She held out her hand at Ling.

"Ling," Her voice was quiet and sickeningly sweet. "I forgive you."

"For what," D.O's eyes widened in irritation. "She didn't do anything,"

Luhan pulled Borin behind her and shook his head in disbelief at us. "You really think that Borin would hire men to hurt herself? Borin, our old backup dancer?"

"Wake up hyung!" Sehun waved a hand in his face. "This is Ling we're talking about, why would she call those men to beat up her friend?"

Luhan slapped his hand away and stepped closer to him. "Because she didn't like my relationship with Borin."

I couldn't just sit and do nothing anymore.

I pushed Sehun out of the way and grabbed Luhan's collar. "Are you stupid? Do you not remember that night Ling cried in front of your door? Why do you think she did that? Because she thought you had someone else in your heart already and she didn't want to get in the way. You honestly think that someone like that-"

Borin let out a squeal behind me and I turned to look at her. She was collapsed on the ground next to Ling with her hand on her arm over a cut that was bleeding profusely. Beside her directly below where Ling's hand rested, was a small snap off blade covered in blood. 

Lay, D.O, and Kai wasted no time in grabbed Ling and pulling her behind them, each shaking their heads. Luhan's eyes widened at the bloody sight infront of him and rushed to hold Borin in his arms while Ling yelled between tears. "It wasn't me, I didn't do it."

Borin looked up at Luhan then at Sehun with tired eyes and repeated the words she had just said. That was when I snapped, and judging from the atomsphere of the room, I wasn't the only one.

 That was when I snapped, and judging from the atomsphere of the room, I wasn't the only one

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