Chapter 36

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//Author's Note:
Ling has gone home to China and Luhan witnessing her leave, did not stop her. Does that mark the end of Ling's relationship with EXO and Luhan?

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Xiumin's POV

Sehun came knocking on my door early in the morning. I rolled out of bed and answered the door with my eyes still closed.

"Hyung, let's take Ling somewhere to play today," He said with a smug look on his face. "My schedule is empty, and I know yours is too."

I nudged my eyes and squinted at him. Why was he always trying to get closer to Ling, I don't like it, but if I'm going to be there too.

"Okay, fine, you pick a spot."

I watched him smile happily and run off bobbing his head in excitement. I returned to my dorm messaging my shoulder. How strange it was for Sehun to wake up before me, I was usually the early riser in the house. I shook my head and got dressed in a hoody and a pair of shorts. 

I joined the EXO members who gathered around the living room table in silence. I blinked in confusion, they seemed to be staring at a bunch of envelopes on the table. I leaned in and grabbed the one with my name on it.

"What are these?" I yawned mid sentence and looked around the circle. No one replied or even made eye contact with me.

I shrugged and opened it.

"Stop hyung!" Baekhyun bellowed at me. "Don't you realize someone is missing down here today?"

I looked around and raised an eyebrow. The usual people sat around the living room, I was usually in the kitchen with-

"Is Ling still asleep, are we waiting for her to wake up to open these?" I frowned, she usually woke up pretty early.

"Hyung, these are from Ling," Lay muttered under his breath. "Ling is gone."

"Her room is empty," Kai nodded in agreement. "Her suitcases are all gone."

It took me a while to process what they had said. There was no way Ling would leave, she had an emotional attachment to Luhan, and Luhan was still here. I looked at Luhan for confirmation and he avoided my eyes. His eyes were red and puffy, signs that he'd been crying.

"Luhan, where is Ling."

He stood up and looked to the stairs. "I should check on how Borin is doing."

My vision flashed red with anger and I launched myself at Luhan knocking him to the floor. I raised my fist only to be stopped by Kai mid swing.

"Where is Ling," I growled again, this time, louder.

He covered his eyes with his arm. "She went back to China."

Sehun's POV

For the rest of the day, the EXO dorm was silent. Suho and I who shared a room did not talk to each other. Xiumin who had always spent time with Chen avoided him at all costs. Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who had been best friends, couldn't even stand being in the same room as each other. It was fair to say that EXO was not one anymore, we were two.

Around noon, Luhan emerged from his room supporting Borin by the arm. Remembering what Ling had told me before, I shot her the coldest stare I could master and left the room without a word. Kai and D.O didn't seem to like her presence either as they took their lunches to their rooms to eat.

I reached the top of the stairs and felt a hand on the tail of my shirt. "Hunnie."

I turned to see Borin's tired eyes staring up at me. I pulled her arm off of me and crossed my arms. "Ling told me about you, you wanted to keep me to yourself."

Borin's brows furrowed and frowned. "Of course, that is what she said."

I raised an eyebrow kind of interested in how she was going to explain herself out of this one. Borin brushed back her blonde hair and looked firmly at me. "Can't you see? She's trying to guilt trip everyone with all these letters, and these false lies!"

I held back my laughter. I may have only known Ling for a short period of time, but I was certain that she was not that type of person. I waved a hand at her and walked off towards my room.


I spun around and glared at her. "Don't call me that."

She stood there without a word and I grinned. I pulled out my phone and brought up the picture of Ling and I lip locking on the couch. I had emailed it to myself before Xiumin had the chance to permanently delete it off of Ling's phone. I turned the screen towards her and watched as her expression revealed her true nature. Her pupils shrank and her nostrils flared in anger. She grabbed at the phone but I pulled it out of her grasp.

"You two, can't be-"

I smirked at her. "Ling and I are together."

Ling's POV

Zhang-ge had dropped me off back at my apartment in China. I returned to see a box of letters in front of my door. It was piled high with fan mail and various packages. With much effort, I pulled the box into my room followed by my luggage. 

After getting changed and unpacking, I sat in my living room and went through the box of mail. To my surprise, the majority were addressed to me wishing me well and how they enjoyed my performance on the show. I felt tears beginning to form as I recalled my memories of filming the show with EXO and Luhan. Although I was only there for the filming of two episodes, it still felt good to be part of something with the members. I scanned my apartment. It was lonely now that there was no one running around. No more shrill laughter from Chanyeol and Baekhyun, no more fashion tips from Sehun and no more morning coffee with Xiumin.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone pinged on the kitchen counter. I dragged myself up to the kitchen and checked it for messages.

EXO we are one? More like we are two. Look what you did Lingling, I hope you're happy with yourself.
- Borin

Anger and guilt shot through my mind as I thought about Borin. 

"Just watch, the members will see just what kind of person you are."


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