Chapter 39

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//Author's Note:
Luhan and Borin in Korea. Xiumin and Ling in China. What kind of match is this?

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Luhan's POV

It was the middle of the night when I had decided to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. The dorm was hot despite there being fewer people than usual. I stood in the kitchen and scrolled through my Instagram newsfeed as I took a sip from a glass.

I paused at Baekhyun's latest upload. He had posted a selfie of him, Lay, D.O, Kai, Sehun and Nam Soon captioned, Just finished meeting with a special Fan Rep! We haven't forgotten her yet!

I frowned and leaned on the counter. So that's where they went, to China.

EXO had a month off due to the fans pressuring the company about their overcompressed schedules. The minute they were let off for vacation, the six of the members that had sided with Ling plus Nam Soon left Korea. They didn't tell us where they were going, but Xiumin made it obvious that I wasn't welcome.

Xiumin had distanced himself from me since I had announced that I was dating Borin. I remember the look of betrayal he had on his face that morning when I held Borin's hand behind my back and all the times Borin sat in my arms on the couch.

I tilted my head and returned the glass to the counter. Why had I agreed to date Borin? It wasn't like I had any special feelings for her. I recalled the day Borin told me she had a major crush on me since the day she met me. It made me happy knowing that she would have feelings for me, yet at the same time, Ling was on my mind. How would she feel if she knew that I was dating her best friend? 

Would Ling even mind? Does she even still have feelings for me anymore?

I return to my room and lingered in front of what was Ling's room. It was here that I had heard Ling's crying through the door. She was crying for help and for comfort, and I had not given it to her. I thought about Borin and Ling's relationship and instantly felt anger rush through me. No, I thought I knew Ling when really I didn't know her at all.

Yet, despite having sided with Borin, I couldn't help but worry constantly about Ling.

Xiumin's POV

My phone buzzed early in the morning and I struggled to sit up and shut it off. I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar environment. A white desk with a stack of books and a picture on the bedside table of-

"Ling," I gasped in shock and looked down to check that my clothes were still on. I breathed a sigh of relief and held onto my hoody.

Oh, if I ever did anything to Ling, I would never forgive myself.

I turned and my eyes rested on the still sleeping Ling. She was cuddled beside me still in her denim shorts and T-shirt. I smiled and brushed my finger against her cheek making her shift slightly in the process. Not wanting to wake her, I grabbed my phone and quietly left the room to her kitchen.

I should make her some breakfast shouldn't I.

I smiled to myself as I imagined her smiling face when she wakes up. Just as I was about to beat the eggs, my phone began to buzz again. It was Sehun.

"Hyung, where did you sleep last night?"


"Hyung," Baekhyun whined in the background. "We're worried about you."

"Don't worry, I'm at Ling's."

"WHAT?" Sehun yelled into the phone blasting me full in the ears. I glanced worriedly at Ling's room and relocated to the washroom, shutting the door behind me.

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