Chapter 25

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//Author's Note:
Sehun made plans to help Ling find out who kissed her in the haunted house starting with Kai, and Xiumin is the first out of the EXO members to hear about it. Knowing that he is the one who kissed her, how is Xiumin going to stop this kiss from happening?

Thanks for continuous reading!
Enjoy the story.
Ling's POV

Xiumin took my phone out of my reach and spoke into it. "No, this isn't going to happen."

"Xiumin hyung?"

"Sehun, tell Kai that it's not happening."

"Was it you then hyung?"

I looked at Xiumin, his cheeks were red but whether it was from his fever or from embarrassment I couldn't tell.

"Aish, hyung, if it isn't you then don't worry!" The phone made the end tone and left us sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the phone.

Xiumin looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Ling, this isn't happening."

I pressed my thumb against my lips and shrugged. "There's really no other way."

He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned into my face. "Let's start with me first then."

My heart raced as I stared into Xiumin's big brown eyes. His expression was serious and I couldn't help but feel pressured. My eyes rested on his lips and my head blanked out of all thoughts. He looped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him just as the front door opened.

"Woah, what's the situation here!?"

We broke apart and looked at the door. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun walked in with a shocked expression. I hid my face with my hands and moved away from Xiumin who ran his hand through his hair.

Sehun rushed to my side and sat between the two of us. "Xiumin Hyung, you're sick, don't make Ling sick too!"

Baekhyun wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Ling, let's go out to eat, I'm hungry."

Chanyeol nodded in agreement as he sat on the other side of me.

"No, no." Sehun held my hand. "We're waiting for Kai."

Xiumin stood up. "No, let's go out to eat!"

Chanyeol pushed Xiumin down on the couch again. "Hyung, you're sick."

After much debate, we decided to all cook a meal together for the other members. With Xiumin sitting grumpily on the couch, Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and I set to work in the kitchen. The three of them clumsily chopped up the ingredients for dinner.

Eventually, the five of us started to eat at the dinner table. Xiumin sat across from me and looked at me as he ate, not saying a word. Halfway through our meal, the EXO members returned to the dorm and joined us at the dinner table. I flushed as Kai smiled at me and sat across from me next to Xiumin.

After our meal, the EXO members left to their rooms. Sehun grabbed my hand just as I was about to go upstairs and led me to the bathroom. From the corner of my eyes, I watched Xiumin stare at me as Suho and D.O pushed him to rest in his room. My heart tugged at me to return to his side but Sehun's grip was firm and it wasn't something I could break out of easily.

"Ling, just a quick kiss okay?" Sehun stared at me hard and pushed me through the washroom door, locking me inside with Kai. He was leaning on the counter, staring at me.

I blushed hard and turned to yell at Sehun. "Aish, I don't think that this is a good idea!"

Behind me, I hear Kai laugh into his hand. "Let me make this easier for you, I wasn't anywhere near the haunted house that day."

"Yeah, but he wasn't with anyone so there's no one who can prove it!" Sehun bellowed through the door causing Kai to erupt in laughter.

I turned to look at Kai and narrowed my eyes at him. He doesn't look like he's lying.

"Hey, Sehun, I don't think he's lying!"

Kai smiled and walked towards me with his hands in his pocket. "I don't mind getting a kiss from you though."

I backed away and held my hand out towards him. "No, no, I don't think-"

Kai didn't stop and pressed his two hands firmly on the wall, his face leaning closer and closer towards me. I shut my eyes and felt heart speed up.

Sehun, I'm going to kill you after this!

I felt his lips on mine as he pulled me closer to him, his right hand still pressed against the wall. From the initial contact, I knew that it was not the same person that kissed me in the haunted house. Kai's kiss was fierce and rushed whereas the one in the haunted house was a lot more gentle and passionate. Nonetheless, his kiss made my head swim.

We parted and his eyes rested on mine. He held my face in his hands and kissed me on my forehead. I felt my breath get caught in my throat as he whispered in my ear. "Sorry to disappoint you."

I nodded and held my face in my hands as Kai gave me a big hug. "Aw, sorry Ling, but I was a good kisser right?"

I nodded in his arms, still covering my face as I rocked in his arms in the washroom. Sehun rushed into the room followed by Xiumin. "Are you done?"

Xiumin tore Kai off of me and lifted my head to look at him. He opened his mouth to say something but ended up coughing in my face.

Kai pushed him away and held me in his arms again. "Hyung, you're going to make her sick."

Xiumin raised his fist at him and Sehun held him back. "Ling, was it him?"

"No!" Xiumin exploded. "It was me, okay it was me, I was in the haunted house, I found her, and I kissed her!"

I flushed and my heart exploded. I could never imagine Xiumin kissing me, but it would make sense knowing all the times he had tried.

Sehun held him back as he tried to get close to me again. "We'll see about that after you get better."

He frowned and watched as Kai took me out of the room. Kai's hand was warm against mine as we walked up the stairs and into my room. We stared at each other in front of my door and found ourselves bursting with laughter.

"That was fun Ling," He ruffled my hair. "We'll do it again.

Kai leaned in and pressed his lips against my head. "Good night Ling."

I watched him walk down the hallway with his hands in the pocket of his jeans. The taste of Kai's kiss still lingered on my lips. I shut my eyes and returned to my room. That night, sleeping was a lot harder than I thought. The day played through my head over and over again like a movie and I couldn't shake away the beating of my heart.

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