Chapter 1

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Aphmau's POV~

"Katelyn, Did you get all the boxes inside?!" I called downstairs.

"Well, I would have them inside right now if you helped me!" She yelled back angrily.

"Katelyn~Soma, I need my box of art!" Kawaii~Chan yelled.

"Art? For what? And if you want it come get it!" Katelyn yelled from the downstairs.

"Oh, nothing... Hehe!" Kawaii~Chan giggled.

"Why does that worry me...?" I asked myself.

"GET DOWN HERE AND HELP!" Katelyn yelled at Kawaii~Chan.

"Fine... Kawaii~Chan will help you." She said as she walked down the wooden stairs.

I followed Kawaii~Chan down stairs to get my posters and my rug that I bought.

"About time you two got down her!!" Katelyn growled.

"Katelyn, calm down." I laughed as I picked up a box.

"No! Kawaii~Chan where do you think your going?!" Katelyn yelled grabbing Kawaii~Chans tail.

"Ow! Katelyn~Soma!" Kawaii~Chan cried.

Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn continued to unpack the moving truck as I unpacked my boxes in my room, I looked out the window to notice some familiar faces outside by another moving truck. A blue haired man in a red sweat jacket carried a box into the house followed by a man with light brown hair carrying another box then a blonde haired man followed them both.

"Dante? Laurence?! GARROTH?!" I asked myself staring at the other house from the window.

Katelyn walked upstairs to my room and said, "You'll never believe it, Garroth, Laurence and Dante moved across the street!"

"Oh I believe it alright..." I said angered.

"Uhh... Aphmau?" She said snapping me back to reality.

"Huh? Oh! Uh sorry, I just zoned out." I said as I walked to the door and out.

Katelyn followed along with Kawaii~Chan, we walked over to where the boys were and I knocked on the door, Dante opened the door.

"Hello Aphmau, pleasure seeing you here..." He said nervously.

"You seem nervous... Why? Did you follow me here and move here?" I asked him.

"N-No! Laurence come here!" He yelled.

Laurence walked over holding a box and said, "Hello aphmau, what are you doing here? We just moved here."

"Aphmau~Senpai, do you believe this?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Not for a second." I whispered to her.

"I moved all of my boxes into my room, should I- APHMAU!" Garroth panicked and jumped back.

"Hello Garroth, did you move here because of me?" I asked him.

"N-No n-not at... All!" He answered.

I knew he was lying but I just walked home with Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan following.

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