Chapter 1: Intodution

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Hi. Hannah I'm a super huge fan of yours I am so In love with you will you marry me!

Hi Hannah can I just tell you you're so smoking hot, can we like meet up or what ever?

Hannah It's me your old friend Gizzelle. so I feel terrible about leaving you alone can we meet up and like be friends again?

Hello, I'm a huge fan And I would want to thank you for giving me courage to do what I want to TY :)

I can't say thank you enough to all the fans that Love and support me! But I can't believe I actually have marriage proposals and my enemies what to be friends. Okay how about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Well some people just wast to be seen on papers of just for publicity but I have good friends and staff to help me. Cynthia Cole my manager, Joey Nathaniel my body guard, Chloe Velasquez my hair dresser and makeup artist, Zoe Shay my dresser, and so much people I didn't mention they are apart of my family now. I literally would fight for them. Well that's the past lets go to the present time.


Hannah's P.O.V.

"Debby! We got to go like now c'mon." I pressured her to finish what she was doing. We were in the bathroom and she was still getting ready. "Correction, I don't really have to go anywhere."

"You promised me you'll come to the signing in the "Pattern Festival". "Oh yeah, you need to where clothes with patterns on it." I quickly added to my sentence.

Then she put down her hair spray down then said, "Let's go" she said. We then got into the car Joey drove us there. Joey drives me everywhere, sometimes I call him henchman but I stopped cause he said he'll break my guitar into pieces and I can't let that happen.

"So I'll be back at 2. Be here by then." Joey said then Debby looks at me with confusion.

"You're not going to wait for us?" she asked.

"No because he's on a date with Elizabeth. I  call her Liz and Joey calls her Beth." "Hahahaha Joey has a girlfriend."

"Laugh all you want I'm leaving anyway bye." "Let's go Hannah" Then we walked for like 5 more blocks the beach was far from the dropping area. Did I mention the pattern festival was on the beach?

"Hannah whose your friend?" the lady wearing an elegant floral dress asked. "Gretchen. This is Debby." I said smiling. "Nice to meet you I'm Gretchen, the host and the creator of today's event!"

"Hello Gretchen nice to see you." Debby said hugging her. "OK well I'l bring you to the buffet the food is wonderful." Gretchen then took us to the buffet.

As we got in line, I noticed that there were five guys in front of me. "Hello, Hannah." the guy said. "Hi. I know this is weird but do I know you?" I asked weirdly "Hahaha. I'm Niall from One Direction." He said chuckling. WHAT?!?! Niall, okay Hannah keep your cool.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't recognized you I'm actually huge Fan. I have a book of you guys and like a huge poster of you but I cant post it on my wall because I live in an apartment. You get the picture." YES, I totally kept my cool.

"It's Okay I know you need glasses sometimes. I watch you videos." he said. Did I mention I post vine videos and snapchats and other thingys. "Really? Thank You." I said feeling flatered. "No, Thank you." he replied. Weird, he thanked me because he watches my videos... OKAY.

After we ate and  I got to see 5/5 of One Direction like for real and not on the Internet. "I have to ask you. Why are you still single?" Harry asked me. "Well I'm still looking for the right guy."  I said feeling as is. "Oh."  he repled."Zayn wanted to know where you get your inspiration to write songs." Liam said to me.

"Well from my friends, family, fans, places I got to and other stuff." I said smiling and remembering those wonderful meories. "All right then" Louis shouted. I looked at my watch to find out it was already 3:30 pm. I was completely shocked.

"Is there something wrong." Niall asked "Um I got to go." "Why so soon? It's only 3:30!" "That's the point I was supposed to leave at 2 Joey is going to kill me. Good bye though." I looked for Debby and then left.

Niall's P.O.V. 

She was in hurry I didn't even get to ask her what I want to know like, "How old are you?" or what. I literally don't know how old she is. I'm to lazy to search it online. I think I'll just ask her when we meet again. I don't know when, I don't know where but I'll meet her again.

"Niall, I think we should go now I'm getting sleepy." Zayn told us yawning. "Zayn you're always sleepy." Liam said while giving Zayn a pat on the back. "But actually I'm tired too." Harry added.

"OK, Let's go then."  Liam said standng up. So we went to the car, got in and Harry was driving. We stopped at Dairy Queen. Nandos was really far, so we just stopped here. Two girls in front of us ordered an "Oreo Cheesecake" and the other ordered "Banana Split". They turned around and in my surprise it was Hannah and her friend. I think her name was... Debra? Sh metioned she was with a friend.

"Niall what were the odds of seeing you here?"

"Well, we were hungry so." I said innocently. "No, no. Niall was hungry so." Liam said "Ehe hem" Debra coughed "Oh Yeah. This is my Friend Debby." "Hello. Nice to meet you Debby." So it's not Debra... hmm okay.

"Well we are going to go to my apartment now. Bye!" then she stepped out of the counter. "Oh, Okay." I just quickly replied. "Oh, Niall we are having a party on Saturday. Do you guys want to come?" Debby asked me. "Yeah do you want to come?" Hannah added. "Sure, sure."

"Well I'll give you our numbers because you don't know where my house is and sometimes I don't pick up the phone."

Then Hannah gave me Debby's and her number to me. "Thanks" I said shoving the numbers in my pocket. "Any time. Bye" Then they left.

The guys and I ordered and dined-in. Well it was because it would be messy if we ate it at the flat. Wait so Hannah has a flat. Americans and their language. 

So then after we went to our flats and went to sleep.

Before I shut my eyes remembered the party. It was good that this Saturday  we had a day off. I was so exited and nervous but I really looked forward for this party.

I also thought of her hair, the brunette colour, her eyes like chocolate it was dark brown and her smile, she fixed teeth not like mine. I have to wear braces.

So Maybe by then I could ask her how old she is. It's a lame question but a question is a question. I won't have any doubts asking her. 

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