Chapter 11: Cereal, Party and 5sos

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Mariz' P.O.V.

It was silent on our way to Pauline's apartment. Too quiet actually. After talking about the issue, things got a little, awkward. I honestly don't know why!!!!

So it decided to break the silence. "So Niall, Hannah, how are your tours going?" I asked simply smiling , so that they would'nt find me weird, not that Hannah didn't find me weird before this, not like weird-weird as in like some homeless man that was given a million dollars then thew in in the fire so he could keep warm, no like MaRoz weird, yaz.

Hannah then opened her mouth to reply. "Well we havent actually gone yet but me and that band have been working ha-" but Niall cut her off"Band? as in a band that's like people who play the instruments?" he said with confusion.

"Well no, as in the band like you guys, like One Direction or Little mix or 5 Seconds of Summer or Summer Set or Fall out boy or-" but Niall cut her off again saying, "Yeah, yeah I get it okay, but what I don't get is that why you didn't tell me?"

"Niall, I've told you a billion times, you never really listen every time you ask, I tell you but when I do you just stare at me then you be all like 'Yeah that flavor is really nice, I love Vanilla too' it's just soooooooooooo weird!" She said exaggerating the soooooooo part.

"Really? I don't remember, sorry." He said with a small, not intentionally, unnoticeable frown.

"Don't be sad Niall, I forget lots of things that Hannah says, well... because I haven't really spent real time with her. But that shouldn't really bother you right?" Then he face palmed so hard that the sound was as if it was cardboard slammed on a wall.

Ooooh, talk about Epic Fail. 

So, we finally got to her apartment, which I may add is in the top floor, which I may add is a penthouse, and which I may add I too live in a penthouse, and may I lastly add that we took the god forsaken stairs because the elevator is 'out of order' and it even had the nerve to put a shitty note saying 'thank you for you're patience'.

And I'm over there being like, Nope, I'm not fucking patient and by the way, to the person who wrote that, please ask your 3rd grade teacher to explain to you the difference of you're and your, like please. Cause you need it more than anywon does, hahaha get it. Hmm, I made a funny! HahahahHahHaha

And yes it's not an apartment, it's a penthouse, we call it an apartment cause people might start being a kind of bitchy-friendly person towards us so...

*5 Hours Later*

Pauline's P.O.V.

After that long time of fixing and planning and cleaning and other stuff, after 10000000000000 years, we are finally done.

"Guys, what time is it, like seriously, and don't you dare shout 'it's summer time' nor 'adventure time' because I swear I will lose it."

To my luck they didn't "It's, uh... 8:11." Niall said pulling out his phone. "So what time does your party start anyway?" Hannah added.

"Around 3. Err is that cool?" I asked them, maybe it'll start a little later cause I haven't even got anything to wear, maybe I'll wear something athat says "hey ma peeps, it's my 17th birthday' or something like that shit.

And yas, imma 17 year old photographer and model who owns a fucking penthouse, well don't start hating, Mariz is one too. Well not 100% true, cause on the other hand she's 18 and so is Hannah, well Hannah isn't really a photographer, she's a singer, actress, songwriter, model and me best friend!

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