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Hiiiiiii, this is the part where I tell you all the things that I left unanswered in this story. If you don't want to read it, it's okay... I fooled you, it's not a bonus chapter! (Sorry not sorry)

1. Prologue, Is Bruce, the co-host of Hannah in the radio station, the Bruce in 4 steps? - No, he is a totally different person.

2. Prologue, What ever happened to the movies she had?- Nothing, nothing happened.

3. Prologue, What happened to Lawrence?- He is still a casting person......

4. Chapter 1, Pattern Festival? Well, it wasn't a smash hit so it was only held once.

5. Chapter 3, Who was the Unknown P.O.V.?- Well, it was Mariz.

6. Chapter 3, Who was Ed in love with?- He was in love with Debby but didn't have the guts to tell her so he was just the quiet character, actually he is just an added personnel...

7. Chapter 3, What was the thing with the parrot? Ed and One Direction went to the zoo then there was a pretty parrot. Ed was wearing a beanie and it kinda looked like a nest so the parrot sat there and pooped a bunch of times. Niall found it funny and told the guys all about it.

8. Chapter 3, Why did Ed ask Debby 'Why?' then mysteriously leave her by herself?- Honestly, I have no idea. Maybe I was high when I wrote that... (p.s. it's a joke, I don't drink or smoke or do drugs) But if you want the answer, he wanted to ask her a proper question, but couldn't spit it out.

9. Chapter 3, Can you really work at thirteen?- It depends...

10. Chapter 3, Is there really a magazine holiday?- Lol, Google it, when I did, I found nothing.

11. Chapter 3, Who did Debbie meet at D.Q.?- Mariz.

12. Chapter 3, Is Mariz really Debby's biggest fan?- No, haha jk, yes. It's basically because she, Debbie, edits stuff like a boss

13. Chapter 3, Did Hannah ever get to repay Niall with the two kissed she owed him?- YEAH, duh.

14. Chapter 3, Why did you say that Hannah was going to Ireland, but never really went?- I was high.

15. Chapter 4 & 17, Did Debby and her boyfriend, Peter, ever get married or whatever?- Yes. They have two kids. Both girls, twins, Lana and Lois. (Like it superman)

16. Chapter 4, Who is the American parent of Drew?- His mom, she moved to Italy because she wanted to travel the world. She stayed there because she met Drew's Dad.

17. Chapter 5, Did Harry like Hannah?- No.

18. Chapter 6, Why did Harry think Hannah was unappreciated?- I was high okay...

19. Chapter 6, Where did Liam get sushi?- Magic... and I was also high...

20. Chapter 6, Why did I give Mariz and Pauline really stupid last names?- OMG, if you have their last names... blame it on the limited time.

21. Chapter 8, When did Grammy move to America with Drew and his mom?- A month after they left.

22. Chapter 11, Why does Pauline live off of cereal?- Because I like cereal and she does too.

23. Chapter 13, Why is Loralee a bitch?- Well, there's gotta be one in the story who is a grade A butt-smoocher.

24. Chapter 14, How did I come up with the rated G movies turning into rated R movies?- Caffeine and I was watching a lot of movies so...

25. Chapter 17, Why are paparazzis scum bags?- Not every single one of them, but they do it for their families and for themselves so... (We see dem rollin, we hatin)

26. Chapter 17, Why was one of the Ls nice?- Well, because sometimes people change, and sometimes it's for the better.

27. Chapter 18, Why do you know that old song, Take on me?- My mom shows me old stuff and I appreciate it.

28. Chapter 19, Why did they want to prank Hannah?- For the fun of it. But now you know... pepper spray will kill you!

29. Chapter 20, Why did I make Cynthia (Hannah's manager) marry Joey (Hannah's body guard)?- Well the original plan was so that they'd have a little baby to watch over and then yeah but I never really did it...

30. Chapter 21, Do you like John Green books?- YAS!!!!

31. Chapter 23, Why did I name them Scotland and Ireland Derkens?- I just actually like the names... I don't know if someone's name is Scotland though...

32. Chapter 25, Is Drew really that strong?- He's short tempered so... it makes him stronger.

33. Chapter 26, What made Scott and Drew change their mind?- They saw Hannah crying and in pain and that made them change.

34. Chapter 29. Why did Scott and Drew go to Hannah's apartment?- Just to talk and to get things off their chest.

35. Epilogue, Does that mean the ending was Hannah woke up from a dream?- Uh, yeah... The most heartbreaking cool dream...

36. Why did I make the last chapter short?- Uh, it's moderately sized, thank you.

37. Why did I make this a 31 chaptered book?- It was originally supposed to be a 50 chapter book but I decided to cut both of us some slack. Do you want more pages of sweetness and it ending in a fucking dream?

38. Will you make a part two?- I wanted to, but no. This ended in a dream, do you want Hannah struggle to see Niall in real life? HAVE YOU NO MERCY?

39. So does this mean that the book is called 'It's not real' not because her life is kinda like a fantasy but because it was a fantasy or, in this case, a dream?- Yes, it means exactly that.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise to answer your questions even if it is weirder than weird.

Thank you so much for reading my book It's not real. Thanks for everything... for voting, commenting and just reading it. Like, you have no idea how much your read means.

I want to also apologize for my typos, and grammar. And also because some parts are just plain confusing. I will say that the part where I started placing outfits got better... but this is just for fun and leisure.

*coughs* P.S. can you please read my other work (The The Kings Of Langley Academy), I promise it is way better. I have grown to be a better writer since this *coughs*

BUT, seriously THANK YOU!

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