Chapter 18: I don't believe you, Prom and grape juice.

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Olivia's P.O.V.

I got home and  came back with Starbucks. I was expecting loud chattering form the four people inside but it was quiet, too quiet. Now I need to prepare my pepper spray. I left my box down by the door and opened the door and prepared my pepper spray. I walked in to see Hannah and Debby no where to be found and Drew and Scott having a death glaring contest.

"Hey, Drew and Scott, where is-" But Scott hugged me and whisper "Thank you for coming, you saved my life from him." he said whispering. "Would you like a glass of water Olivia?" Drew said raising a glass of water. "Uhh, no thanks." I said taking a seat in between them two. "Why were you glaring each other like mad men?" I asked.

"Well, you remember that time when we where still in London and Debby was visiting for a long time because of her job while Hannah hung out with One Direction and with her friends who where coincidentally also in London because of their jobs as well?" he asked my trying to state the obvious. "That time where you mastered the British accent?" I asked trying to verify my memory.

"Yes." he replied. "Well then yeah, I remember." I said to him, then I moved to the single couch no longer being in between something that might be dangerous to be in between in. "Well you remember the guy who was helping  me know the words better? He was hitting on Hannah, right?" he said making it  a clear answer. "Yeah so?" I acted dumb even though I knew why.

"Well the reason why is that, Hannah is mine and only." he said glaring at me and Scott. "Hahahaha." I laughed at his joke and then he asked  "Is there anything funny?" he asked clenching his fists and Scott giving me a questioning look. "Well, for starters, Hannah isn't owned by any man. Second, she's with Niall now, you snoozed you lost." I said to him

Then Scott looked down and had a hurt look on his face. Oh wait, I forgot he was the guy who was Hannah's first kiss and who was kinda Hannah's first love. MAN, I'm so sorry. I should've just stopped talking and reacting. I blame my blabbery mouth. "I'm- not sorry." I said realizing that I if I said that I was sorry, I would create a war of Drew and Scott.

Because I mean to say sorry to Scott and not to Drew so he'll be all like 'Okay now you're on his side. Wow, you only met the guy and you trust him with your life now." then he'll probably start cussing even if he claims that he doesn't like cussing. "Well I'll just go get my boxes outside." I said to them leaving them to have another death glaring contest.

I made my way to the porch then someone asked, "Need some help with that?" and I turned my head to see Jace with his pink bag, unicorn box and mismatched shoes. "Well, in the contrary, I think you need help considering your whole outfit is just unicorn barf." I said teasing him.

"Well, I have more muscle than you do, so I'll be a gentleman." he said stuffing his bag and box in his car and giving me a smirk. Little does he know that I have fallen so hard for him. "NO! I'll bring them in." I said "Well, how can I help you if I can't bring them in?" he asked confused. "Well, that's why you don't need to help." I said. I didn't want him to see the two because, they're fighting over Hannah, and once I think he told me he liked her. I don't really know but...

I know, everyone loves Hannah. And my crush, likes her too. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE IN THAT? "Well, whatever I'm still going in." then he turned the knob and Drew's and Scott's head were turned to him. "Hi, there." Scott said. Then stood up and announced, "Scott Derkens." then he replied "Jackson Flynn, my friends call me Jace." he replied smiling awkwardly. "Drew." Jace nodded his head and Drew just smiled awkwardly too.

"Well, I was just helping Olivia carry her boxes." Jace said. "Oh, okay well have fun?" Scott said. "Okay." then he made his way to my room by following me. "Okay who's Scott?" he asked. "Well, Scott is Hannah's past friend-ish." I said trying not to say anymore. "Friend-ish, there is obviously something you aren't telling me." he said

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