Chapter 26: I think I'm a murderer now.

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(A/N:) HEY, you have to read this, this chapter will be in third person point of view. Niall, Drew, Hannah and Scott all have parts. I know you don't get it but you will, just remember THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW! S= Scott, N=Niall, D=Drew, H=Hannah. B.T.W. if there is no letter and :, it's the thrid person point of view.


"But I love... Niall the most." she said facing the ceiling. Her eyes were shut so tight and her mouth was agape. She didn't have the courage to face any of them. She just wanted to stay there and sit there. She couldn't bare to mind that she was the reason two such great people who admired her was destroyed emotionally because of her. She felt like crying.

But her previous math teacher had told her "You can't run away from problems, whether it's a math involved one or in your real life situation, when you grow older they get bigger and bigger, so while you're young try to minimize them." Her mind was still drifting off to that quote she found on tumblr. 'Never be ashamed of a scar, it simply means you where stronger than what tried to hurt you.'

"I'm sorry that I had to be a scar to you." she said. "Never be ashamed of a scar, it simply means you where stronger than what tried to hurt you." she said with a tear rolling down her face. She was always the type of person who could feel the pain, the hurt, the suffering but most of all, she was so sympathetic that people who are sad get even more sad because they're seeing her be sad.

People threw sticks and stones but all she threw back was bread and cake with extra frosting. She was the one who'd console, but never the one to be consoled.

"No..." Scott whispered. A tear roll of his cheek and fell on his trousers. "I hope you have a good day Hannah. Drew, Niall, if it's all the same to you, I'll be leaving." he stood up and left, he left a wound on her heart as she left one on his. Drew then stood up and started to count, breathed in and out and he said "Goodbye." He also left a wound on her heart as well and she on his.

"I killed them." she whispered.

"Niall, I killed them, Niall... I-I killed them." she said making a waterfall of tears run down her face as she was still staring at the ceiling. "I-I'm a murderer." she said gasping and looking to Niall. "I'M A MURDERER. A KILLER!!!!" She shouted with rage. "Ni-" but she didn't finish her sentence because Niall had wrapped his arms around her and he whispered in her ear "It's okay, I'm here. I'll stitch you up."

He kissed her on the forehead and she started to weep even more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer but with that action it made them fall on the floor. They laughed hysterically and with that action, she felt like she was whole again, and as if the wounds on her heart were stitched up by laughter. But the scar will forever be there.

S: I let hundreds of thousands of tears roll of my face secretly as I walked down the stairs. I would've taken the lift (British for elevator) but there were people. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest and it was sacrificed. But worst of all, I saw her cry again, because of me. That was the only reason I cried. I know she doesn't do the dirty work, she was the one who helps you clean up your mess. I swore to myself to never ever be a reason why a person would cry and I've broken it. I've broken my promise, my heart, my sense of hope and my love. I've left a scar on her heart, but she left me with none, nothing but a whole in my body.

She and Niall were lying on the floor and he was trying to pick up the pieces. He had never seen anyone so broken before, it was all new to him. You could literally feel the pain in her eyes, she was broken, bruised, scarred, wounded and worse of all she thought that she was a murderer. Even though he was so joyed when he heard his name said, he was somewhat guilty that it was the one said. Because he was only there for months but they were there probably for years. It was frustrating for him just to think of that, he could only imagine how it felt to be her at this moment.

"Ni-iall... I'm sorry." she said letting tears roll down to the carpet. "For what?" he asked pulling her closer to him. He could feel sympathy for her so great but all he could really do is be there for her, be the shoulder to cry on. "For crying like an idiot and for crying for no reason." she said inching closer to him until she could hear his heart beat.

"No, you shouldn't apologize to any of us, it's our fault. We put you though this, we should be the one who apologizes. I should be the one who apologizes." he stopped for a while. "I'm sorry, I truly am." he said to her and with that she kissed him, he was taken aback by her actions at first, but he kissed her too. Their lips were brushing against each other. It was a passionate kind that was also in a way apologizing.

N: I never wanted to stop kissing her but I knew I had to be the one who would because she wouldn't let go. I pulled away and hugged her instead. She had stopped crying but she was obviously still not intact. I held her in my arms for a while longer. "Hannah, do you want to actually lie down somewhere that's comfy?" I whispered to her carefully but she didn't respond. "Hannah?" I whispered again. I moved away from her a little so I could see her face and as I suspected, she was asleep. I stared at the beauty in my arms before I attempted to carry her. But when I finally got her safely in my arms she woke up.

N: "Niall?" she asked making sure it was me. "Shh... It's okay Hannah, I'm just going to carry you to you bedroom." I said kissing her forehead. I walked carefully and looked where I stepped so I won't kill her and myself. She was really still and all I could do was smile and stare at her while I carried her to her bedroom.

As Niall was enjoying the good part of the consequence, another suffered the bad part consequence. He sat on the corner of the stairs waiting for her sister to pick her up. Scott was too embarrassed to even leave the hotel because his eyes were probably swollen and his nose was probably red too. There was a pit in his chest. Cement won't even last that long on it.

Her love and affection for Hannah, will break down the wall and he'll try to rebuild it back over and over and over again but he'll eventually fail and give in, again.

And the other hand, there was a man who wanted to cry but couldn't because of pride and because there were way to many people watching, Drew. He got in a cab and headed to his local gym. He found a punching bag, and if it were a person, it would be dead. "Rough day?" a woman asked from behind him. He ignored the voice and continued to punch the bag and this time harder. "You know it isn't wrong to talk about it." the woman pointed out.

He had no time for words, cause all the things words did to him, was cut his throat and squeeze out all the love from his heart out and it was thrown into toxic waste. "I don't think that bag will last any longer.". The woman said impressed and worried at the same time. He stopped punching it for a bit then punched it really hard. The bag fell from its rusty chains and it let out sand.

"You're right, it won't." he said turning around and grabbing his gym bag that he leaves in his gym locker.

D: It's not over for me. That Irish moron will screw up anyways and I'll be the first to pick up the pieces. If that Scott guy shows up. I'll reason out the truth to him. With words that hurt and if he can't see reason, fists that hurt. I went to a café and went in line to orfer some coffee. "Hey." a person behind me said." I turned and saw Scott. "I have a plan." he said. I saw a girl from behind him and he replied to me saying, "My sister."

H: I hate myself so much. "Niall." I called out to him before he could leave my room. "Can you stay with me for a while?" I asked looking at him with puppy eyes. "Sure my love." he said grinning. He laid in the bed beside me and I rested my head on his shoulder. We stared at the ceiling for a while. I then felt myself drift off to sleep. "Sweet dreams." I heard him whisper. Sweet dreams, yeah, as if I deserve them.

(A/F/F:) [Author's Fun Fact, in case you didn't know ;)] in the part where Scott was all like '...I let hunderds of thousands of tears...' I was supposed to translate them to sprinkles cause hundred of thousands is the British term for sprinkles. I got that from Lily Singh. BYE!!! ASLO, I added a gif of a girl crying.

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