Chapter 25: Truth be told

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Hannah's P.O.V.

I woke up and just stared at the ceiling for a minute or two. We were still in New York and it was a day off. I started to think about what happened yesterday. I got into the bathroom and took a shower. Once I got dressed, I walked towards the door and I heard whispers. I thought it was my imagination and if not, it were Jake, Bruce and probably Joey, but then again, why would they chat in my apartment, maybe they had something to say?

But just to be safe, I got the highest heel I owed and pepper spray. I peeped through the door and saw a blonde haired man, men actually. I couldn't tell if they were who I thought they were so I walked out slowly and once my whole body was outside of my bedroom, I realized it was Drew, Scott and Niall.

"Wait, how'd you get in here? Oh, and good morning." I said dropping my heel and placing my pepper spray on the kitchen counter. "Uh, we asked Cynthia for the spare key." Niall said. "How'd you know I give the spare key to Cynthia?" I asked looking at him. "Well, actually I knew." Drew said. "I, uh, over heard Jake and Amy talk about giving spare keys to Cynthia, so I assumed you gave her your spare key too." He simply implied.

"Okay, I'm going to act as if that isn't close to being weird at all." I said. "So, what brings you here." I said sitting on the single couch. "And why are the three of you sitting together in one couch not killing each other?" I said giving them a confused look.

"We, were waiting for you to wake up and hear your answer." Scott said looking nervous. "Answer? Answer to what?" I asked feeling so out of place. "Who you want to be with." Scott added lowly. "...what?" I said. "You got to spend a day with each of us right?" Niall said.

"W-w-ell..." I stuttered. "D-o I have to answer now." I asked unsure. I felt my heart beat faster and faster and faster. I think it's trying to run out of my chest. I suddenly had a difficulty breathing. "Technically yes, but if you don't want to..." Drew said with his eyes travelling off.

"What about we have breakfast first." I said.

"Can we just?" I asked nervously. "I'll cook." I said trying to persuade them. "Hannah if you don't want to answer it's fi-" Drew said but I cut him off. "Breakfast it is then." I then ran to the kitchen and got some pancake mix and hot chocolate mix. I loved cooking, well at least just when it's breakfast.

I don't know, when I wake up I feel the need to be nice to myself and everyone, so I make food. I mixed the batter and set the table. The three of them were awkwardly sitting on the couch. "Hey, sit on the table blondies." I said to them. Then they went to the table and shifted awkwardly.

I finished making 12 pancakes, that's right, and I made hot chocolate. They should love me for that... oh wait.

We were all eating now. I had placed butter and syrup on the table. "So, how was your day, yesterday..." I asked making a weird face. "Nonetheless." I said shrugging. "Drew?" I said look at him. I grabbed my hot chocolate then started to slowly sip some of it. "Uh, I went to the gym and my, uh, anger management class." Drew said lowly. I started to cough. "Are you okay." they all said surprised. I then smiled but continued to cough.

"I'll get water." Niall said. "No." I said coughing. "I'm *cough* fine." Niall looked at me unsure but obeyed and sat down. I stopped coughing and they were looking at me so intently that I looked behind me just to make sure if they were looking at me.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked. I smiled and simply said. "Yeah, it's nothing really I just was surprised that Drew finally listened to her grandmother." I continued to eat. I then saw Drew smile and he said "I knew that that is what you were going to say." I then continued to eat. I noticed Niall wasn't even eating anymore. "Niall, what about you? What'd you do yesterday."

He turned to me then smiled a really tiny smile. "I just, I'm dealing with a viscous rumor." he said.

Niall's P.O.V.

"I'm just dealing with a viscous rumor." of you and Scott getting married and being happy together. "Oh, I'm sorry." she said. "Well, now what?" I asked. "Now, you eat your food." she says pointing to my last pancake. "After that?" I asked eating my pancake.

"After, I tell you the truth and answer your question." she said drinking her hot chocolate. And with that we looked at eachother then the three of us ate a lot faster.

"Woah." Hannah said with her eyes widening.

"Io'm doune." I said with a mouthful of pancake."MOE TOO!" Drew shouted. Scott was chewing so he just gave a thumbs up. "Well, okay." Hannah said continuing to eat at a normal speed. "I'll be done in a minute or so."

After she finished eating, I volunteered to wash the dishes and after the three of us were now sitting on the couch awkwardly but patiently waiting for Hannah to return from her room. She said she had to get something and that it was so very important.

"I got it." she shouted. She made her way to the couch and sat down where she sat before. "Okay, this is serious, don't overreact to some parts okay!" she said. She then opened the notebook she brought and flipped some pages. "I'm going to read the parts that are directed to each of you okay." We all just nodded and she started to read

"Today, I got to read in peace at the library. But Scott came to me and I wanted to kick his face..." she said smiling. "...We were friends but enemies at the same time. He told me he liked me and told me that all he did was because he thought it was a good way to flirt with a girl, particularly me..." she paused and breathed in. "...I wanted him to leave and I wanted to get an axe and cut his head off, he asked for my forgiveness even though I had forgiven him the day I made friends with his friends, I didn't even feel the hate that much when I looked at him."

"I told him I had forgiven him years ago and he asked me to go to prom with him... then he kissed me... I wanted to slap him though... but I really didn't know why." Wow, such a great way to push my hopes down. "He got into a car crash and I thought it was the end of him, but it wasn't the end of him, it was the end of me. Me in his world. I was a stranger, and it will be forever." she said letting a tear roll down her face.

She flipped the page and continued to read. "I heard a knock on my door one day, there was a man saying he needed somewhere to stay and that he lived next door and he left his keys inside. I was mentally debating whether I would let this attractive man in or should I leave him in the hallways of the hotel." she smiled. Oh, it's Drew's turn, I didn't notice, he was smiling all throughout, especially when Hannah referred to him as attractive.

"But in the end I trusted him and we watched the world cup. I discovered that he wasn't a Greek god but an Italian." Hannah said blushing. "I could help but ask him to translate English words to Italian. He was so patient with me, even though he previously said his grandmother had kept telling him to go to anger management. I made no sense but I believed him so easily. I don't know, the way he talks just make everything sound so genuine, even though he couldn't really speak English really well."

She flipped the pages again and started to read. "Niall took me to a magical place and It was so very magical and it was like it was taken out of a story book. The view was so perfect and the lights were like stars that have fallen and stayed for a while just for us. He kept telling me that I looked nice over and over and over again. It was sweet but it got annoying at a point. He was such a gentleman and he was so proper at that time. I almost thought I was dreaming. Once we finished eating he took me home. He kissed me and I could taste some Vanilla ice cream that we ate for dessert."

Once she finished reading, she placed her notebook down and leaned on the couch. She then stared at the ceiling. "The prettiest thing in the world for me is the sky, it reflects how I sometimes feel and the clouds are like warm cotton candy and stars are like lights that are shining for the people who need friends."

"Okay, I think I'm finally done stalling. I'm going to tell you my decision, the decision that will change everything." she sighed and finally looked at our direction. We were looking at her and she was looking at us. The silence was so loud and the mystery was driving me crazy.

"Look, before anything else, I sincerely want to say I love you all so, so, so, so much I will always be there. And I will never leave, you know by spirit." she said looking at her feet.

"But, I love---------

(A/N:) "But, I love--------- ALL you guys the most. :D (: ily"

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