Chapter 21: Wedding and a date?

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Hannah's P.O.V.

IT'S THE DAYYY, it's Cynthia's and Joey's wedding. I know what you're thinking, when did they start dating? You know the pattern festival, Joey went on a date with Elizabeth, well she broke up with him and Cynthia was there to pick up the pieces. NOW THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED.

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the funky looking priest said.

Then we all cheered. "Hey." I heard someone say. I turned and I saw Drew. "Hi." I said a little surprised. "I'm your date today." he said. "What?" Okay this made no sense. "Well, rock paper scissors and I won, tomorrow you'll have Niall then Scott." he said. "But now, you're mine." he said.

"OKAY." I replied. The photographer snapped a picture of Cynthia wearing her perfect dress with her perfect makeup and perfect everything. While Joey was wearing his perfect outfit and perfect shoe which I picked out.

While me, Amy and Olivia, dressed in lace and Jake and Bruce were wearing tux. We look smoking. "So Hannah, I wanted to apologise. (BTW, that is the British spelling for apologize so, yeah) I know the deal is pretty much making you feel like a hamburger." he said pulling me closer by tugging me by the waist. Then the photographer popped out of no where then took a picture of us. "Guess who?" the photographer said. "OMG!" I said. "Jimmy is in the hizza." Jimmy, the photographer, said.

I then hugged him and Drew's happy face turned to a death glare to Jim. "So, how are things with you fiancé?" I said turning to Drew. Then he gave me an 'Oh, he's gonna get married' look. "We aren't going through with the wedding and we aren't a we anymore." he said looking down in disappointment. Then Drew threw me another look saying 'you're mine'

"Well, how about you too love birds?" Jimmy said looking interested. "We aren't dating." I said. "Well, at least not yet." Drew said. "Can I borrow your camera Jim?" I asked. "Okay, here." he gave the camera to me. Then I snapped some pictures of him and Drew; then Drew did some of us.

After a few minutes of talking to some people, we got to our table and the food was served. "So, who's Jimmy?" Drew asked me. "Well, he's my cousins so don't worry." I said with a weird smile which earned me a chuckle.

"Damn, you're so hot without even trying." he said with a serious look. "Thanks?" I said kinda blushing. "Damn, even hotter when you're blushing!" he said biting his lower lip. "You know we should go somewhere after the wedding." Drew said. "Where?" I asked. "Maybe go watch a movie." he replied.

"Err, okay?" I replied unsure. So after the wedding we did go to a movie. We were walking towards the movie theatre and as we were walking we talked about random stuff. "So, I have a joke. Did you hear about the giant with diarrhea?" he said with a smirk. "No." I simply replied. "You didn't? It's all over town." he said. I laughed and he did too. "Okay, how about you? 'Ya have any jokes?" he asked.

"Well, what is the difference between a flashing red traffic light and a flashing yellow traffic light?" Then we got to the theatre and he was thinking of the answer. "Okay, I give up. What's the difference?" he asked. "The color." I said with a giggle. "Shit, really?" he said face palming. "Well yeah." I said laughing.

I got inside the theatre while he bought some popcorn and seven-up. I just love seven-up. I got to a comfy seat and some people stopped to take a picture. Once Drew was there they took a picture of us together

"Here you go my lady, one box of popcorn and some mountain dew. They didn't have seven-up so, I just bought ya this." he said with a flawless British accent. Those British accent lesson thingys really paid off, I always thought it was bogus.

"You know, you totally mastered the British accent." I said pinching hi cheeks while he made himself comfy in his way too small seat." I loved pinching his cheeks; I have no idea why though. It's not even like cheeks when you do chubby bunny.

Drew's P.O.V.

"Stop pinching my cheeks. I told you that." I whined in pain. "Why? I love doing stuff that annoy people." She gave me a smile while I gave her a grimace. And not the creepy mascot in Mc Donald's, the purple one. No, he's way too scary.

"Oh, the movie is starting." She said stopping her torture with my cheek. "I love this so much." she whispered. "I love you so much." I whispered back, but I this she didn't hear cause all she did was eat her buttered popcorn. "So much." I whispered again. "I love you too Italian popcorn eater." she said rested her head on my shoulder. "You do?" I asked surprised. Then I realized what she'd said. "Just not that way, right?" I added. Then he just pinched my cheek again.

I tried to focus in the movie but I just couldn't. She was taking up my mind, she's too much handle. "NO, don't give up Charles, you can find Raven." she whispered. "No!!!" she gasped. I have to say it was amusing to see her feel pain for them, even though they aren't real. I mean the characters aren't real, they're from a comic book, but you know the people who are playing them are real, obviously.

*After The Movie*

"I can't believe it. It's so jam packed." she said. We were already making our way out of the theatre. (I just felt like using theatre rather cinema, so.) "I wish movies would last forever though, you know." she stated. "Sometimes after reading a really thick book, I just wish it lasted forever or at least longer." she said rubbing her arms cause of the cold. There's my cue. I removed my coat then gave it to her. "No, it's not necessary." she said resisting

"Hannah, don't resist, resisting jut makes it more irresistible, at least for me." I said wrapping the coat around her shoulders. "It's huge!" she said stopping in the middle of the side walk to show me how it looked. "Consider it your second dress." I said with a chuckle. "Well consider it considered." she said smiling. " I really do want it to last forever. But nothing will." he said shivering. "Is it that cold?" I asked. "Hey, I like cold but I'm wearing a laced dress here." she said. I wrapped my arm around her and whispered,

"I'll always be there, forever."



(A/N:) Yeah, I'll just put the link below for like the outfit I did on polyvore. I came to a conclusion that placing it here in the story is just irrelevant. Also in the other parts of the story. If you didn'y know that, you're probably new here :I and if you're thinking how old Joey and Cynthia are, probably they're 30-ish, IDK. t(-.-)t BYE!!!!!!

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