Chapter 3: Unknown, and truth or dare.

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Unknown P.O.V. #1

I really don't know if she'll remember me. I'm scarred on what will happen.

I wish that nothing bad happens, beside if she dosen't remember me, I'll just run yo my apartment next, next door. I really hope that she does remember me. I'm shaking like crazy.

I put on my clothes that literally scream me!

My shirt says Skittles and you know I just wore some jeans and some sneakers. I literally don't know why I'm nervous, Hannah's been my friend since grade 5..... Nothing to worry about.

Um, so I just open the door and walk out and walk to her apartment and go to her apartment door and knock and I can't do it. She famous and I'm a dork.

I hate myself for actually thinking that she would recognize me. She's famous now and I'm well.... You get the picture. so I'll just go back to my apartment and pretend nothing happened okay, okay. Imma boil some water and make hot coco.

Well I'm just going to go to the shop and buy some Skittles.

As I stepped out I remembered. "There's hot damn water inside. Idiot." I actually screamed at myself. At this point I don't want people to think I'm crazy. Ha ha ha well sort of crazy!

You can't change that! I hope nothing bad happens... spoke to soon.

I got to answer a stupid call. How wonderful.

"Hello?" "Where are you, you're late for work."  

"Dude I don't have work today. Bye" "No don't hang up." "Why?"

"I thought you where already informed." "Seriously, do I look informed?... Wait you cant see me. Do I sound informed?"

"No. well It's important. Big clients of P.A.A. are here we can't let them leave unsatisfied."

"Fine I'll come." "Thanks." so I of course ended the call and just made cocoa and ate left over macaroni and left for work. I was sill hungry I blame it all on Terry.

Yeah that's here name! Annoying isn't it.

I mean she's not an enemy I just don't like her that much. She's an annoying friend. Can you believe I still count her as one of my friends. Okay, well, Imma go to work now.

Hannah's P.O.V.

For some reason I really hoped that someone was going to knock at my door. I was the first one to wake up. It was cute seeing Debby, Ed, Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam sleep. You know I could have just said One Direction instead of saying every single one of their names.

Oh well así es la vida. Which meant that's life BTW that was Spanish.

I'm freaking in love with Spanish. I learned a little Spanish through our Señora y Mister Dora and Diego. I'm laughing at myself right now.

So I'm just hungry and cold because the  7 of them got all of the warmth of the blanket. It OK though. then my phone vibrated. It was Cynthia my manager. She sent me a text.

I told her just call me. Sending a text is for active people. As far as I'm concerned I damn lazy. 

Hannah, tom you have to fly to Ireland because you have interviews. Like at lot of em. You got photo shoots, magazine interviews and a concert so pack you're bags. And remind your band mates.

It's not Real! (Niall Horan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن