Chapter 24: Fashion week and a really red carpet

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Hannah's P.O.V.

"Come on!" Amy said dancing outside in the rain. "No way, if you get sick, you won't get to go to fashion week. Now help me pack." I said to her stuffing her shirt in her bag. We had a tradition that we pack in the living room so we can talk and pack and also so it won't be boring. "Do you think I should bring all my sneakers?" Bruce asked. "Well, what if there is a zombie apocalypse, and you need shoes to cure the zombies... Huh?" Jake said.

"Three pairs it is." Bruce said throwing all the other pairs out of this bag. "Whatever dude, you won't survive the zombie Apocalypse."Bruce slapped Jake when he said that. "Guys, there won't be a freaking Zombie apocalypse!" I said grabbing my heels. "Tell me this Hannah, why do you have to bring heels when you don't like them?" Jake asked me. "Well, what if there's a mugger you broke in my apartment. I have a really dangerous weapon then." I said.

"Hmmm." Jake hummed. "Seems legit." he then added. "Of course it is Jack." I teased. "I told you that's my dad's name!" he said pouting. He always get ticked off when I say that to him. God knows why. "Pepper spray?" Jake said grabbing the two bottles of pepper spray that I had. "It would be cool to actually use these." Jake said pretended spraying both of them at my face. "JAKE! SHUT UP!" Pauline shouted. "All right sleepy slash cranky pants." Jake said sassing her.

"Hey guys have you seen my phone?" Mariz said. "Fine, I'll call it this time." Bruce said. "You always lose it." Olivia said budding in. Mariz just shrugged and changed the subject "Amy seems to have lots of fun out there." she said, then she heared her phone ring. "Coming." she said to her phone. "I'm gonna go out in the rain too." Olivia said "If you get sick, Cythia's gonna get pissed." I warned. "Whatever." Olivia said. "Fine, go, see if I care." I sassed. "You, actually do!" Jake said.

"I do but if they don't listen, it's there own necks on the line." I said. "FOUND IT!!" Mariz shouted. She then ran towards us. "Now, where's my suit case?" Mariz asked. Jake and Bruce then looked up and whistled. "I have no idea what you're talking about?" they said at the same time. "It's under Jake's bed." I said sighing. "Thanks!" Mariz said. "WHY'D YOU SPILL?" Bruce shouted. "Whatever, our flight is in an hour we have to get going!" I said

"I'll call Amy and Olivia." Jake said standing. "I think he's in love with you." Bruce said. "I'm so over that shit." I said. I heard Pauline snicker then sat next to me. "What? You're in on that too?" I asked Pauline. "He's the original! Next to Scott that is." she said. "Really?" I asked with sarcasm. "Really?" I asked surprised. "Remember when me and Mariz first met your band mates? Well, the first thing I noticed about Jake is that." she said. "Is what?" Jake cam in with soaked in water Amy and Olivia.

"You two get dressed." I ordered, then received a phone call. I checked the caller I.D. and it was Scott. I pressed the loud speaker button "Hello." I started.

"Hannah, hi, err, I called because I can't go to your place cause yesterday was my sisters birthday and she lives in New York and as my birthday gift, I bought her front row tickets to a show next to some really famous people, and can I say, It costs more than my kidney." he said. "Actually Scott, we're going to New York too. Why don't we just meet up?" I recommended.

"Really that's awesome! Oh and sorry for calling this late, I couldn't go to sleep without getting this off my chest. Have a good night, my love." he said hanging up. "My love?" Jake said a little ticked off. "Told ya!" Pauline whispered nudging me. We all turned to Jake. "What?" he asked innocently. After a minute or so, the sisters came out and we got into our oversized van. "I'm driving!" Bruce said. "I call shotgun." Jake said. "I'm at the back." I called dibs.

"NOOOO!" Olivia shouted. "You snooze you lose." I said. "Well, you get to sleep with the suitcases. "At least I can lie down. I said getting in the trunk. "I swear someone has to spray this smelly garage with really strong perfume." I said. I love this trunk. I added a carpet and a cushion also pillows and a really warm blanket. I even added a special row thingy for holding stuff.

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