Chapter 19: Concert, researched and a blonde?

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Hannah's P.O.V.

I got a text from Niall about 5 hours ago and I was so excited to hear from him.

Niall: Hey, We have a concert in Cali Arena at 2pm, wanna crash the party?

I chuckled at his offer

Hannah: Sure meet ya der, BYA!

It was now 12 am and I'm still up. I'm waiting for Pauline and Mariz to arrive cause they said they finished early so they can join us.

I was watching some TV shows I got in CD. Like Sherlock and Once upon a time.

"Sherly has done it again." I said referring to Sherlock Holmes who yet again solved the mystery. Everything is so better when I watch Sherlock, he just makes me more intellectual and hotter. Smart is the new sexy. Damn, he makes everything sound as if it's the alphabet. Like that is awesome.

I was  doing a victory dance because Sherly just solved the case again. But just then  heard a knock on the door, so that would probably be Pauline and Mariz. I went to the door and yawned a bit cause it's waaaaay past my bet time. "Coming." I said cuz they were knocking no stop. "Stawp knocking!" I shouted. But they didn't. "Like what the fu-" but I saw two guys with ski masks. I then slammed the door and got pepper spray and a baseball bat.

I opened the door then held the pepper spray. They shouted "NO, NO, Don't!!" he said but it was too late, I sprayed them with pepper spray. Then they removed their ski masks to reveal Harry and Ashton?

"HARRY, I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A BAD IDEA." He said rubbing his eyes. "Oh my god, you geniuses come inside." I said dragging them by the ear. "Aww-aww-mercy." Harry said.

"Okay, explain yourselves." I said letting go of thier ears when we got to the couch.

"Well, Harry wanted to surpirse you slash scare the shit out of you. And it just totally backfired." Ashton said trying to open his eyes. Now I feel super sorry for him.

Then I heard another knock of the door. I opened it thinking it was Pauline and Mariz but it was four more masked dudes, so I peppersprayed them too. "AAAAAAAHHH, SHIT!" one said. "What the actuall fuck, Hannah?" he removed his ski mask to reveal he was Ed. And the others were Luke, Calum and Michael. SHIT, WHY?

"Get inside you morons." As they one by one made their way in, a taxi pulled up and Pauline and Mariz came out of it. "Fucking finally." I said running to them and giving them a hug. "Okay, they where in ski masks and I thought that they were kidnappers so I sprayed them with pepper spray and it's not my fault." I said opening the door so we could go in.

"What?" they said at the same time. We went inside, then they were shocked to see 6 men rubbing their eyes and whining in pain. "Okay, I totally get what you meant now." Pauline said. "True that." Mariz added. "So, you ladies are just gonna stand there or are you going to help us." Harry spat.

"Well, okay." I said going to storage to get pillows and blankets for them. "Here goodnight." I said. I then lead Pauline and Mariz to their rooms. I swear this house is too big to be true. There are so many rooms. It's like a freaking hotel.

I then came back to the the living room so I could go to my room but Ashton stopped me. "You aren't gonna help us aren't you?" he said blinking a lot. A tear went down his face. Wow, that must really sting.

Well no shit Sherlock, you sprayed 'em with pepper spray. "No, because I can't. I don't have eye drops and why would I, I don't want my kiddnapper to be relieved of his pain." I said to him. "But, good night though." I said patting him on the shoulder.

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