Chapter 30: Bikinis, overprotectiveness and cuddling.

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Hannah's P.O.V.

"What about this one?" Amy said pointing out another bikini. "No, the one you have is perfect." I said. I already picked my bikini ages ago. We were choosing some specific ones they're all like. 'No, this one is better.' and by they, I mean Amy, Amy only. I swear, don't be too picky. "Can you hurry up!" Mariz said pinching the bridge of her nose. Like, wtf woman, your not going to use it to your wedding.

"FINE, I think I got the perfect one." Amy said dismissing us. "THINK?!?! Gurl, you've been looking for 365 years, how long do you have to take?" Pauline said face palming. "Whatever, and to think you'd get used to me." Amy said moving towards the counter. We stood up and followed her. After paying for the bikinis, we brought some sunblock, cause I actually don't want to have skin disease, thank you.

"Come on, we should get going and pack. Also I really need to pee, so walk faster!" Amy said walking faster than anyone of us. Karma is a bitch. We got to the hotel really fast actually, good news for all of us. I just really hope Amy didn't pee her pants. I would kinda feel sorry for her. I started to pack even though I don't know when our flight was, like no one tells me anything anymore. I changed my clothes then I went to Amy's apartment to ask when we were going. I stepped out and walked towards her apartment. I knocked and she instantly opened the door.

"Well, out flight is at 7 p.m. so.... 3 hours more." Amy said closing the door. "Well then..." I said shrugging. I walked towards my apartment but then I got a call. It was Nialler. "Hello stranger."I said smiling? "Stranger? You've forgotten about me already?" Niall said, I could just imagine him giving me a fake hurt look and a sad pout. "Of course not, I just wanted to hear your fake hurt voice again." I replied to him.

"Fake? You scarred my heart Hannah." he said being fake hurt again.

"Whatever leprechaun." I said. I paused when I saw Scott carrying a bouquet of flowers and Drew carrying some cake. "Hannah, are you still there?" I heard Niall say.

"Yeah, yeah." I said back. "Hey Niall, I'm going to eat with Scott and Drew, I'm not asking permission cause either way I'm still going to eat with them." I said walking towards them.

"Hannah, I swear if the try anything I will kill them." I heard Niall growl.

"Niall, you trust me, right?" I asked. Drew and Scott spotted my presence then I smiled at them. "Yes, but I don't trust them." he said. "Well, since you trust me, believe that I won't let them try anything and that I love you." I said.

"I love you too. I gotta go though, I have to start traveling to the beach, love you, so much." he said hanging up. I smiled that he said he loved me, twice.

"Hi." Drew said. I said hello and Scott just smiled. "Soooo, are we gonna eat cake, or are you going to give that to someone else?" I asked clearly joking about it. "Well, if you don't want to... and if you're with Niall we can just give it to you." Scott said handing me the bouquet of flowers. "No, come in, we'll eat together." I said.

"It'll be fine, I told Niall on the phone anyways." I said. "Really? He's okay with this?" Drew said amazed. "I wouldn't even let you breathe the same air with them." Scott said. "No offence though." he quickly added. "No, none taken because I'd do the same." he said. I awkwardly tried to open the door, but alas (LOL), I could not, thy door would not open for thee. (IDEK). Scott took the flowers from me then finally, I opened the door and motioned them to come in.

"So were do I leave the flowers?" Scott asked. "They're mine?" I replied shocked. I honestly though he was just making me hold them. "Okay, well, here." I said handing a vase to him. "I don't even know why I have a vase." I said. He laughed at me and I sat on one of the chairs on the dining room table. Drew was opening the box of cake. "Vanilla?" I asked. "Chocolate?" Drew replied. "Bless your soul." I replied to him. He laughed and cut a piece for me and placed it on the plates he had set on the table.

"So how was your days like?" Scott asked. "Great, I have gotten more energized. I don't even know why, maybe it's because of the tea I drink." I said eating some cake. "MMMMmmm, I haven't gotten to eat the good stuff since forever." I said.

"You are welcome." Drew said. I pulled out my phone and played some music. It was Technical Difficulties by 2cellos a.k.a. Luca Šulić and Stjepan Hauser. (The video's name is technical difficulties, so I assume that is the name of the composition.) "Who's playing?" Drew asked. "2cellos." Scott replied. "You know them?" I asked shocked. "Who doesn't?" he replied.

I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I said running towards it. "Come on, we have to get going!" Amy said. "What time is it?" I asked. "6:30, now come one." she said rushing me. "Okay." I said shutting the door. "Hey guys, I'm going to the beach to celebrate Amy's birthday, I'll be back the next day after tomorrow so, pack the cake and yeah." I said.

"Sure." they replied. I got my suitcase and headed to them. "Can you just lock up for me?" I asked. "Yeah sure." Scott replied. "Thanks, bye!" I said going out. But before I forgot, I went back in, got two flowers from the ones they gave to me, handed them both one then kissed them on the cheek. "Thank you." I said.

I left the apartment. "God, I hope I don't get sunburned I said to myself.

*The Next Day*

We were in sunny California, in a private beach, and can I just say, I look awesome. I got some beach waves-ish, and a beach body (not really). Niall got here but he's still sleeping. I sneakily went under the covers where Niall was sleeping. "Hey there." I heard him hum. "Your are not waking up yet?" I asked cuddling with him.

I swear, he can be a private heater. He's like always so warm. "Why? Don't you just want to stay in bed and cuddle?" he asked. "Actually, yeah, let's just stay in bed, all day and cuddle." I said. I whispered in his ear the three words that will make any one feel special and appreciated. "I love you." He smiled and replied with a kiss and with an 'I love you too, so very much'

(A/N:) HEY, goodness, the video is like so awesome isn't it. There is no technical difficulties in the video if that is what you're thinking. Lol, bye, thanks for reading ilysm

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