Fro and the cute emo

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What a nice school! So clean! So open minded! Man my mom was a bad liar... This place looked just as shitty as any of the others I had been to. Same filthy walls, same dented lockers, and of course same insults spray painted all over the school. I let out a sigh. Okay, class 109, class 109.. Ah here it is. I knocked on the door lightly. A tall woman with a bun so tight it looked like her head would fall off if it was undone opened it. I laughed to myself at this image. "I assume you to be Mr. Iero" She said glaring at me like I had killed somebody. She walked in, motioning for me to stay in the door frame. "CLASS!CLASS" she started screaming, completely failing to get any attention. I couldn't hold my laugh as she got more and more frustrated. She walked over grabbing my wrist giving me the same death glare from before. "WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT  JOINING US TODAY!" I examined the class. Great a bunch of high snooty kids making out, same as usual. I heard a slight snicker from the back of the room. Not a mean one, a kinda chuckle. "GERARD STOP INTERRUPTING CLASS." I couldn't help but scoff at this. "Introduce yourself." She commanded. "I'm Frank, Frank Iero." Who the fuck am I James Bond? "Go sit up by Ray." She said not even bothering to tell me who the heck Ray was. Thankfully a tall kid with giant curly hair waved. Guess that's Ray. My eyes drifted across the rest of the row as I walked to my spot. Crack head, crack head, cheerleader, that Ray kid, then my eyes landed on the last person in the row. He had pale skin and long black hair, his whole face was bright red. I smiled, cute kid. I sat down and Fro whispered something to the cute emo kid. He looked shocked then quickly ducked his head down. Hmmm... He might be interesting.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now