Let's talk about sex baby

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I nervously tapped my foot on my bedroom floor. Shitty shit fuck shit. I looked around my darkly lit room, scouring every tiny detail, desperately trying to distract myself from my thoughts. Why am I so nervous? It's normal to have these kind of thoughts...I mean he is my boyfriend? I flip over and plant my face firmly into my pillow. I could feel the warmth in my face. I stand back up, still filled with jittery energy, and begin to pace through my room, trying to ignore the 3:07 am that was displayed on my digital clock. I finally stopped, sliding my back down the wall into a half-assed fetal position. I tried to think of everything other than what my mind had chosen to focus on tonight, or I guess technically this morning. I thought about movie scenes and guitar riffs, about math equations and the long words floating around in my head, about anything other than the picture of Gerard's pale body I had created in my head. Goddamit. I got back up and flopped onto my bed. Maybe those.. thoughts will be gone by tomorrow. Maybe...


Our hands were firmly laced together as I walked with what I could only describe as a skip in my step. "Gerard is my boyfriend" was still my favorite saying and I still loved his beautiful eyes, but I can't get those damn thoughts out of my head...

"THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!" I jumped at Mikey's words. "That is totally how it works, you may be smart but I know about sex jokes." Pete said smugly, a furious blush covering Mikey's face. "WHY AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS?" Mikey screamed. Pete, in either sarcasm or a genuine lack of understanding when it comes to rhetorical questions, answered. "Well first we were talking about blankets, because they are soft and warm and stuff. Then you made some sexual innuendo and I was vv proud but it was stupid so I said it was wrong. Then you said it was a joke so it doesn't matter and started turning all red, then I said 'jokes are only jokes if they are accurate' and you turned more red then you screamed 'that's not how it wo-" Mikey raised his hand to silence Pete. "We all know that part, and stop talking about my unfortunate case of heat sensitivity which is causing my red face." He was obviously lying, really obviously. But Pete's kind of dumb so..
"I'm not an idiot Way, but I shall except your answer until you can just admit the real reason." There was a hint of coldness in Pete's voice that definitely didn't go unnoticed by the guilty looking Mikey in front of him. "I wish Mikes would just get this over with, I mean Pete is being so.. I don't know, scary?" Gee whispered in my ear. I could barely hear his words as I noticed the proximity of his mouth to my neck and the gentle warmth that seemed to radiate off of his body. I gulped. "I don't know, I've seen him like this before when we were taking about Bria- um something." I quickly looked down, a look of guilt similar to Mikey's covering my face. Gerard placed his hand on my chin, turning my face towards him. "You can always trust me. You don't have to tell me everything, but you can if you want to. Okay?" I just nodded, lost in his eyes. "JUST MAKEOUT ALREADY!" We quickly broke away, both bright red. I sent a pointed glare at the speaker, of course it was mother fucking Pete. He just grinned stupidly and grabbed on to my wrist, dragging me and in turn Gerard a little closer to Mikey and him. "So my fellow gays, we are gathered in this corner of the hallway for a reason!" Pete stomped dramatically and pumped one fist into the air. "Pete, I hate to break it to you but we have to go to cl-" Pete placed a single finger in front of Mikey's lips and continued to talk, "To answer Mikey's statement we have 10 minutes to get to class because I made sure we all had the chill teachers for our next classes! Anyway." He stopped talking standing completely still and looking slightly to the left. I began to opened my mouth but Mikey shook his head, most likely used to Pete's odd way of speaking. Mikey is honestly the only one that actually listens to Pete half of the time. "OH YEAH!" Gee jumped back a bit at Pete's sudden proclamation. He's so cute. "We are here to talk about sex!" Gerard's face quickly turned to panic and confusion, my own face matching his expression. Mikey of course seemed completely calm, except for the red tint covering his cheeks. "I realized I know much about you people, your main personality traits, your not straightness, your opinion on fruit snacks, your basic mannerisms and what they mean etc. etc. HOWEVER! I am missing two very important facts, how virgin are you guys and all your sexy dexy deets!" We all just looked at a content Pete, smiling almost innocently. "What the fuck?" We all turned to the speaker: Mikey.


The words automatically fell from my lips after listening to Pete's speech. "What the fuck? Why do you want to know that shit?" Pete opened his mouth to speak but I figured I would save my brother and his boyfriend from Pete idiocy. "I get it, you're curious and sex is important, and something about fruits snacks." Gerard smirked, "Is that some sass I hear my dearest brother?" Frank giggles next to him. I roll my eyes, "Guys, he honestly won't shut up until we answer.." Frank glares at me as Pete lit up. His smile. "YAY! Okay so you just have to answer three questions each. Have you done the diddley fun, who are you most sexually attracted to at the moment, and if you like it on top or nah. Don't worry, you don't have to share with the class and I'm a metal safe!" Who I'm most sexually attracted to?! I can't say it's him but it is but I can say I'm not but... "Okay I'll go first." I look up to see an uncomfortable Frank walking towards Pete. He leans in and whispers  in his ear, blushes, then leans in once more as a gorgeous idiotic smile covers Pete's face. "Um.. I'll go." My brother is next up, I cringe at the idea of what he could possibly be saying to Pete. Do not think about your brother and Frank, do not think about your brother and Frank, do not think ab- "Your turn Mikes!" Gerard smiles as he says this but I can see an almost evil glint in his eyes; He knows how hard the second question is gonna be. Fucker. I walk up to Pete slowly and lean in. "I am a virgin." I whisper slowly, pulling back slightly afterwards to see his giddy smile. I take a deep breath. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I look up again and see a devilish smile on Pete's face. He's doing this on purpose isn't he. I lean in once again. "The person I'm most sexually attracted to is... The boy I want to be my boyfriend. I am a bottom." I hear Pete stifle a laugh. I smack his head. "You ask you get answers, idiot." I begin to walk to class, knowing my face was probably bright red.


I just told motherfucking Pete Wentz that I'm sexually attracted to Gerard... AND THAT IM A TOP. Plus now he's gonna ask about my first time... "YOU ASK YOU GET ANSWERS, IDIOT!" A red faced Mikey scampered off quickly. "That middle one barely counted as an answer!" Pete called after him, running to catch up. Gerard and I began to walk, still hand in hand. This is motherfucking awkward. "Uh, Frankie. Can I ask you something?" I jump slightly but nod at Gee's words. "No need to leap hun." Gerard dramatically rolled his eyes before turning away slightly. "Do you um.. I mean in the future do to want to you know... Have sex together?" He was bright pink. Yes yes yes yes and yes. "If you want to I mean.. I am, you know, sexually attracted to you. A lot I guess." Gerard's eyes suddenly seemed sad. "I doubt you would say that if you saw me.." I quickly grabbed onto his hands and locked my eyes with his. "You. Are. Fucking. Beautiful." I said slowly, not once breaking eye contact. He just turns his head slightly and slips his hands out of my grasp, wrapping them around his chest and stomach. "I'm... Damaged." He looks so sad and empty. His eyes gloss over slightly as he twists his mouth into a heartbreaking frown. I decide not to question further and simply hug him as tightly as possible. I can feel his tears running down my chest. We stand there in the hallway, just together. Forgetting about our next lesson or the world around us. He just cried until he couldn't anymore and I just held him. Just together.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now