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Fucking hell I'm such an idiot. "IM NOT KIDDING PRETTY BOY I'LL KNOCK YOUR FUCKING TEETH OUT!" Brian loomed over me, pure anger radiating from his form. With him inches away and my back to the lockers I had nowhere to go. Why can't I just hold my fucking tongue?

"Oi faggo, where's the other freak?" Brian called out behind me as I rushed to class hoping I'd be able to meet Gee by the door like always. "What's wrong? The little tough guy following all his prissy fag boyfriend's rules? Too afraid to hit me?" I ignored him and kept walking, my hands balled into fists at my sides. "You even know what made the other Fag such a weirdo? Why your poor little Gee has double the pathetic little fronts?" I bite my tongue and let what Mikey had told me play over and over. Gerard hates violence, just remember he hates violence. "I wonder what it's gonna be like to fuck that broken little toy, must be horrible to see how hideous his body is. All the fat and ugly scars. You must be disgusted." No. No one can say that shit about Gee, no one. Little hypocrite thinking I don't know your little secret you piece of shit. "You're not answering cuz you know it's true fag!" I stop my movements, turning around to face Brian. A smirk covers his face. Just cuz Gee doesn't like me hitting people doesn't me I can't fight back. "Oh really Brian? I guess you do spend a lot of time staring at MY boyfriend. Think about him naked often or only when you need to get it up? Are you sure you're really qualified to call me a fag?"

Shit shit shit. He wound up his fist before releasing and hitting me straight in the jaws. I cried out in pain, making him laugh as he spat out slurs and insults. He hit me again and again. I can't seem to even remember how many blows I've received or how long it's been. I tasted blood running out of my mouth, a fucking split lip. "Ain't so tough now fag, too bad you're little mutilated freak isn't here to wish you better." I broke. I couldn't take it. I felt rage boiling and building, my body heating up and shaking. I release. One strike to the bottom of the jaw. He's on the ground. Gain the advantage. One knee on his stomach. Don't stop hitting until he's bleeding. Blood, draw blood. Hurt him, destroy him. Make him bleed. "FRANKIE!"


I stood there, terrified. Frank was covered in Brian's blood yet he didn't stop hitting. "FRANKIE!" I yelled one more time and he seemed to almost snap out of a trance. Looking disoriented and confused he stared down at his hands, shaking. Tears began to roll down his cheeks and he scrambled off of Brian. I went over to the bully who seemed to be knocked out. I reach down to touch his neck when his eyes snap open. "What the fuck, you're a fucking psycho!" He screeched, stumbling to his feet. Frank curled up into a ball and began to rock back and forth. Brian looked towards me, "Have fun dating the kind of guy that would have joined your family night for the fun of it." He then walked off, stumbling slightly but seemingly fine. Hopefully he's going to the nurse. "I'm so sorry." I hear a tiny voice whisper behind me. I slowly turn to Frank. He was covered in red, splatters of blood covering his clothes and fists. Even his eyes were red: blood shot from crying. He was shaking violently. I took a step towards him slowly. The blood set off every alarm in my body, it told me to run.. but I couldn't. I bent down and engulfed Frankie in a hug. "Shh, it's okay Frankie, I'm here. I'm not leaving, I'm here." I whispered. Frank was letting out strange noises that sounded like they were meant to be words but had gotten flattened and stretched as they left his throat. Eventually he gave up on speaking and we held each other. The silence felt deadly but his arms around me seemed gentle and needy. "Frank." I let go of his form to fill in the slot next to him on the grimy school floor. "Frank, tell me what happened." He stumbled through the story, promising he didn't mean to snap every sentence and apologizing even more than that. "I just.. You're not ugly or broken, you're beautiful and I had to stand up for you and then he was hitting me an-" he stopped, looking at his black convers. "Sorry." He mumbles one last time. I let out a sigh and interlocked our fingers. "You see Frankie, when I was younger I didn't live with my mom. I didn't even know she was in the state, let alone the city." Frank stared at me, soaking up every word. "I-i lived with my dad. At first it was okay. Mikey and I were happy enough despite the fact dad wasn't the richest of people. I only really have one clear memory of that t-time..." Deep breathes. "I remember him taking us to the park by the old church. Mikey and I played til the sun set. But then. Then I was I old enough to join family night. My uncle ran it, down in some basement that I can't quite remember correctly. It's where he would punish the people he thought were guilty. Only after looking back on it years later do I see what each person was 'guilty' of. An autistic girl, a black man, a transgender teenager. A gay child....When you're old enough you're supposed to join in, that's how I know Brian. He was forced to join. I didn't join, I refused so, I was guilty." I suddenly noticed the tears running down my cheeks. "But I was strong for my age, useful, so I had to prove myself. I had to punish the guilty. A little gay boy. He didn't even know what gay meant but he had kissed his best friend on the lips. His male best friend. He was just s kid, Mikey was just a kid." Images of my terrified little brother filled my head as Frank grasped my hand tighter. "Mikey was guilty but I couldn't do it. So we were both guilty. So Uncle David did his job. My dad stood and watched as Uncle took a glass bottle an-and." I stopped. It was too painful to remember. Frank didn't say a word. Instead he leaned in and kissed me gently. He touched the hem of my shirt, looking up at me for permission. I nodded. He gently slides his hands under my shirt and quickly finds it. His whole body stiffens and I gulp. He raises my shirt slightly revealing the mess of uneven scars covering my chest. He pulls down my shirt and pulls me closer to him. All I hear is a gentle whisper that wasn't meant to be heard. "Beautiful. Still beautiful."

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now