DRAMA!! (And 'yes I do' n.2)

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Frank had left the room and I was admittedly lonely. I'm so clingy. I sigh and pull at the hem of my jeans, breaking apart the stitching slightly. My room was completely silent, gods this is depressing. I stand up pausing the muted movie that had been playing on my computer. ''Babe? What's taking so long?'' I yell as I skip down the steps leading to the kitchen. No Frank. The fuck, he said he was going to get snacks? I stood there frowning. Where is he? OH, he must be in the restroom... Duh. I start moving up the stairs when something catches my ear. Talking? It's just me Frank and Mikes tonight though, Pete had to help his mom with something. My thoughts were filled with every possibility as I scamper up the rest of the steps, determined to find the source of the chatter. Mikey's room? I lean my ear to the door, my ears straining. ''Why the fuck can't I!?'' Frankie? ''Gee hates violence! It's not gonna make anything better!'' Mikey's voice replied sternly. I heard Frank groan in annoyance. ''That piece of shit deserves a punch to the face, not only did he beat up you, Gee, and Pete, but his reasoning is complete bull.'' I heard Mikey's bed springs squeak slightly, indicating someone had sat down. ''Look-'' Frank paused as a second squeak followed the first. ''I'm a violent person, I get mad and hurt people, that's why I didn't want Gee to know about why Brian stopped. It's horrible and I can control it a lot better now but... When I feel like Gee is gonna get hurt-'' he stops letting out a sigh. Oh. Mikey let out a shaky breath. ''Look, Gerard's reason behind his anti-violence policy isn't mine to tell, but it's a good reason. I know it's hard but don't hurt Brian again, for Gee?'' One person gets off the bed. ''Okay.'' Frank agrees as footsteps start to sound against Mikey's carpet. I quickly dart back into my own room, tripping slightly as I rush onto the bed. ''Gee? I heard a crash? You okay?'' I gulped as Frank entered the room. I put on my most innocent smile and pull my eyebrows together. ''What happened to snacks?'' Frank looks a bit confused at first, but then he lets out a goofy giggle. ''I forgot, I'll be right back babe.'' He plants a kiss on my forehead and scurries out of the room.

Violent, huh

~a few days later~

''Oh yeah, remember the other day when we were with Mikes and Pete?''
I nod silently, watching as my boyfriend speaks incredibly animatedly despite being in school. ''The time when Pete jumped out at us?'' I let out a slight giggle at the memory, Pete was surprisingly a nice addition to our little group, despite his um... Intresting conversation topics. Frank continues talking ''Mikey totally screamed out babe instead of his name, I think he's totally into Pete!'' Into Pete huh. Wait, WHAT. I turn around to face Frank, grabbing on tightly to his shoulders and staring intensely into his hazel eyes. ''You have to be kidding!''
Frank looks at me almost smugly. ''If you don't think I'm right then explain the babe... And the fact that Pete knows exactly how Mikey checks someone out, by, and I quote,  experience!'' Oh hell no. ''If Pete says Mikey checked him out, he's wrong as hell! Almost as wrong as mixing neon and three different animal prints, gods Pete has no fashion sense...'' I fade off, scrunching up my nose in disgust, ''Besides Frankie darling, you know his type! He likes people like Ray, the complete opposite of  Pete!'' I finish, crossing my arms and sticking out one hip, my (as Mikey calls it) 'sass pose'. Frank ponders something in his head for a second, then stands up straight, keeping eye contact. ''Okay, one''-he holds up a single finger directly in front of my face-'' you are really hot when you get all sassy, and two''- he puts up a second finger-'' there's only one way to find out.'' He stands back and crosses his arms, mirroring my pose. What does he mea- oh. ''You owe me five bucks if you're wrong.'' I say, a smile sneaking it's way onto my face. He grabs my hand and smiles. ''Deal, but I get the five if I'm right.''


I'm pretty sure I'm the only person still listening to Pete at this point, Gee and Frank having blocked him out mid-way through his insane rant. Why am I even listening to him? ''Okay so, since my first day I've counted quite a few new lgbt+ peeps, I met these two super chill lesbians, one was all hot and punk rock and the other was kinda short, like Frank short. Plus there's this one dude, Brandon or something with the most crazy relationship history who's totally bi. Like he was super in love with this pretty boy who was hippie af but then they broke up because of some complicated reasons or something and he got with this tall dude, I think they sat in front of Gerard in maths or something, and their sex life was crazy but he met this hella hot lady and he says he's in love again, and I totally think he is and he's crazy over her and she's kinda innocent for him I guesss. So just from his crazy love story we have three new ones, plus the lesbians... Wait, where did the lovebirds go?'' What. ''Huh?'' I say looking around, you have got to be kidding me... ''Geebear and Franklin are gone, does that mean we can fuck?'' Why the hell am I into this idiot. ''No, we can't fuck Pete, my brother is just being his normal weird self.'' I take a deep breath and turn away from Pete, looking out towards the rest of the court yard. Why am I even doing this. ''YES I DO BUT FUCK OFF ANYWAY!'' I look at Pete with an apologetic smile. ''Contin-'' I was knocked to the ground by my brother's boyfriend in what I suspect was a hug. After adjusting my glasses I glare upwards at the small boy. ''What the hell was that!?'' Gerard rushed over and helped me up, not answering my question but giving me a smile. ''Gerard darling, my five dollars?' Frank said smugly as he opened up his palm. They were betting on this? Are you kidding me? I rubbed my temples and sat down on a nearby bench. ''You guys are all insane!'' My proclamation was just met by giggles as I rested my head in my palm. Why the hell do I hang out with these people.

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