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"Your student guide will be here soon!" Said a smiling woman with bright blue hair. "I'm Ms. Hal and I'm the school guidance counselor! All the kids just call me Ashley though!" I look up at her, "Your hair reminds me of fruit snacks. Do you like fruit snacks? I love them. Almost as much as pizza. If pizza  flavored fruit snacks existed I would literally buy all of them!" The women looks confused but nods along. "But don't fruit snacks have taste like frui-" A loud voice filled the room, even louder than mine! "The little one is here!" Ooh little, I wonder how little, would they be my student guide? I turned around and stopped breathing like holy water was trying to filter through my lungs and erase my sins. Oooo that sounds cool but wow. He isn't exactly um... Little. In more ways than one ;)

Doldrums BOI

I awkwardly waddled into the room. My eyes landing on a student in the center of the room. Short. Eyeliner. Emo. I guess he's Gerard's type, I almost laugh imagining Frank's expression if I ever actually said that. I took a second look and actually holy shit, despite  the horrendous animal print pants and awkward fringe this guy was... wow he was kinda gorgeous. He looked up at me looking like he had just seen a ghost. "Why the wentz did she call you the 'little' one?" The pretty boy said in awe staring up at me. I blushed at the extreme attention I was getting. "Um.. I have an older brother here and um... Im a little less known." A cocky smirk formed on his lips. "Wow your brother must be famous to over shadow such a beautiful face like you." He winked. He winked. "Um, why was I called here." I asked attempting and probably failing to hide the joy that comment had filled me with. "Oh yes!" Ashely almost yelled. "This is Pete, he is new here and you were chosen to be his guide!" Wait what. I point at myself with confusion. "Why me?" Pete was staring at me. Oh my god his eyes. "You are our best student!" Ashely said patting me harshly on the back. I slumped forward a bit. My fingers pulling on the holes in my ratty jeans. "O-okay." Which was the opposite of how I happened to feel, trust me.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora