Our hands intertwined

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AN- I just realized I use this one sentence pattern a lot when writing. When I describe someone's actions I add in a comma. Example: his expression changed, a mischievous smirk tugging the sides of his face. Sorry just thought I would mention it- Trashasourus-Rex

Frank sat next to me in class, which would be great except for the fact that Brian was on the other side. Every time I reached over to try and grab Frank's hand Brian would punch me in the gut. Fuck him. I wanted to hold Frank's hand so badly, I wanted to feel his touch. He was so amazing, cuddling him was basically heaven and holding his hand this morning? It was basically meeting God! I tried to hide my smile at the memory as the teacher ignored Brain's harassment of my gut. "Fag!" A kid from the front screamed. "Gay shit!" Another shouted. They kept coming but I didn't care, and not in the 'my life is shit so fuck what they think way' in the Frank Iero is right next to me way. In the 'shit I'm totally in love with Frank Iero way'. Shit, I'm totally in love with Frank aren't I? Maybe. Probably. Yes. I am totally head over heel in love. I reach my hand out to grasp Frank's, ignoring Brian's abuse and the choice language he was throwing at me. Our hands meet. He looks shocked but doesn't let go. Smiley face emoticon.

"Hey Frank?" He looked up from his feet, his face crimson. "I-i-i can um... Let go if you want." I hadn't stopped holding his hand since class. He shook his head slightly not meeting my gaze, his black hair moving slightly. I could feel my own face heating up as I twirled my hair in between my thumb and pointer finger.


"I think that french is pretty, but I'm too lazy to learn, ya know? I mean I've got other things to do, like eating pizza, and boys. No wait that sounds like I eat boys like I eat pizza. I meant I do boys-" how could he be so shameless, how could he say thing like that so easily. "Although despite the fact I'm not a cannibal I do often have boy's meat in me!" At this I dropped my books. He jumped to the side, his arms raised like he was about to karate chop a walrus. I just stared at him, shocked. "How could you say something like that so easily?!" I say slowly lowering down to pick up my books. "Hey, it's just the truth!" He says his confidant posture back in place. He winked again. Why does he keep winking?! I bring my hand up to my slightly red face, rubbing my temples in exasperation. "This is the lunch room." I say trying to sound confidant and failing miserably. Pete just nods opening his mouth. Oh god, time for more of his rants. He spoke with confidence but tended to ramble and obviously had no filter. The things he had said to me in the last few periods were enough to make any normal person stay the hell away from him, but seeing as I'm a freak of nature I enjoyed his words. I realize I had been spacing out and focused on Pete's words. "I love lunch, lunch means fruit snacks, and/or left over pizza. It also means cute boys. I need cute boys to enjoy lunch properly. Or maybe just cute boy, ya know singular. Ooh I just thought of a cool line. Let our souls intertwine, because without you I could never shine."- his constant poetics were always a plus. "What was I saying again?" He pauses looking up into the sky for a second then continues. "Oh yeah! Cute boys and food! On that topic can I eat lunch with you?" Had he just called me cute? "Um.. Sure." His face brightened, a smile overtaking his lips. Why he was so happy to be sitting with me I truly don't understand. "Hey Mukey?" Mukey? "Yes?" He looked me in the eyes as he spoke, emotion put into all his words. "You're a really good listener, wanna fuck?"

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now