Gee Y u shy boi?

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A/N honestly this chapter is kinda iffy but if you keep reading it gets better Øøps sporry- Trash

I was in the kitchen with mom when Gerard came bounding in. "MIKES!" Man Gerard was loud. "Someone liked my art today!" His face was slightly pink, but his home face was still on. Ha, home face, Gerard acted so different at school. The one time he acted like himself at school he ended up the victim of Brian so I kinda get it.... "That new kid Frank!" His hand was placed on his hip which stuck out just the tiniest amount. He was such a flaming homosexual at home. "He had the prettiest eyes!" He squealed doing a 360 turn on the ball of his foot. "Mikes!" I sigh. "Yeah Gee?" Gerard smiled then darted up stairs. What the hell is wrong with my older brother. I mean I have my quirks but Gerard?-Gerard is flat out weird. "Hey mom I going up to my room." "K sweetie." I quickly walk up the steps to my room, as I pass my brother's room I see him laughing his ass off at a comic. I smile, which is rare, but what can I say after everything my brother has gone through he is still himself, it makes me happy. Gerard turns to look up at me and I keep walking to my room.

Did I just see Mikes smiling? My grin automatically widens. I let out a deep breath. I wish I had somewhere else I where I could be myself. My shit school makes me a sarcastic little shit and I don't have any friends. Maybe Frank?My face starts to heat up from the thought. Yeah maybe.

As I walk up to the school I see a mess of black hair staring up at the second floor window. "Hey Gerard!" I say as I come up from behind him. He jumps. He is so cute. "Hey!" He says his voice seems really... I don't know chipper? "Wanna walk to class together?" He's even cuter this way. "Sure." I shrug. His steps seems a lot more confident then I had first noticed until we got closer to class. His head automatically dropped and his walk became shuffle like. I look up to search for what had caused this change. I spot some buff kid by the door. Brian I think? Was he what caused Gerard to shut down like that? As we walked into class Brian started walking along with us. "What's wrong fag? What happened to that big mouth of yours? Huh?" Gerard kept walking not even looking up. What the fuck? I want to fucking punch this asshole! How dare he? I opened my mouth to retort when the teacher walked in, "SEATS!" Gerard and I ran to the back. "Hey Fro!" I smile at Ray. He laughs. "Second day knowing you and I already have a nickname huh?" Gerard laughs. He has a cute laugh, man everything about this guy is cute. "You guys wanna eat lunch with me and brother?" Gerard asks, his confidence back. His awe has seemed to wear off. No more stumbling over his words or twisting his hair nervously. I mean I barely know this guy but he seems different. Has he already become comfortable around me? I couldn't hold back my smile and my natural instincts kicked in. "I don't know, is he as cute as you?" Gerard seems to go full red.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now