Imma start labeling the pov

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Gerard stumbled into the room, his usual smile and skip nowhere to be seen. "Gee what's wrong?" I say running to my feeble brother. His face was filled with intense worry. He looked up at me and his expression changed in the blink of an eye. He straightened his back and looked into my eyes. "You first."


Mikey's eyes were puffy and red, his cheeks stained. He had been crying. "Look, it doesn't matter, what happened, you looked like you were about to faint." My stubborn little brother, always putting me before him. "And where is Frank?" Shit. Frank. I struggled to stand. "F-frank.. Um Brian, fighting- I turn to look at Mikey- help." With that Mikey stands up and runs out the door.

The Mikester

I don't care if I don't know Frank that well. I can tell my Gee likes him, a lot. Hell he is basically Gerard's only friend if you don't count Ray or me. Plus his feelings for Frank are stronger, different. The way he looks at him.... There they were. "FRANK!" The small boy turns to meet my eyes, slight shame in his eyes, his knuckles bloody. "I..  um, I got mad." I was in shock, Brian was on the ground, shaking. "I saw how scared he made Gee... and I thought how could he do that to someone so sweet and adora-" He stopped talking, a blush sprouting on his face. I smile, Gee's feeling were obviously shared. "I get it, the need to protect him. He's such a happy person, it really hurts to see him in pain." I smile. I let out a sigh and walk over to Brian. Leaning down to look him in the eyes I say one word, "Go." I put all my anger and frustration into it and he could feel it. "ILL GET YOU BACK, YOU YOU FAGS!" He screams still shaking as he runs off. I shake my head, " Is that the only word in his vocabulary?" This leads Frank to smirk. "That and maybe 'retard', I think all that football knocked any good insults out of his head." This compels me to mimic Frank's expression. "I can see why Gee likes you so much." I say motioning with my hand for Frank to follow as I begin to walk home. "Could you maybe not tell Gerard about me hurting Brian." Frank looked at his ratty converses. "I don't really want him to know how violent I am, I-i-i." He glances up at me then turns away "Really like him and don't want to scare him off." He mutters, still not facing me. "You got it!" I smile dragging him towards my house. All this stuff made me forget about what happened, I hope Gerard doesn't bring up the fact I was crying.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now