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Ray (le gasp, new perspective)

I plug in my headphones and put on some Green Day. I take out my textbook and open it slowly, half dreading the content. Please God give me a distraction from mathematics. Bzzt
Holy shit it worked. I take off my headphones and rush to my messages. Gerard?

Gerard Way: Heyo Rayo<3

.... I'm guessing this is the infamous "home Gerard" Mikey used to complain about, I got a small taste just before I left but this feels a bit more... whole.

Outgoing: Hey Gee! How are you?

Gerard Way: I'm pretty snazzy in general thooooooo, I may or may not need some advice :-))

Outgoing: I'm all ears, though why come to me?

Gerard Way: You give me those ancient wise elder vibes...

Outgoing: Okay? What's up?

Gerard Way: So, Frank and I are together.

Called it.

Gerard way: We've been doing really great but.. I'm a bit iffy on something and I was wondering if I could like ask you about it?

Outgoing: Go ahead!

Gerard Way: Okay so Mikey may have mentioned this to you but I'm kind of super anti violence. And it turns out Frankie isn't exactly a peace loving hippie. He beat up with Brian, like really badly and I feel like I should be okay with that but I'm really still not. I've just known some really bad people that were violent and it scares the crap out of me, Frankie is so sweet and gentle and loves me so much but what if he's so violent that he hurts me? Not even that I just overheard him talking about how prone to anger he actually is and I don't want him to hurt anyone and I don't know if we'll be able to
Work out if we have such different mind sets and just... Help?

Well I've missed a lot apparently. I run over everything I read in my head multiple times, this honestly being a lot more complex than what I had imagined.

Outgoing: Well, you really like him. That much is obvious. You aren't the bitter kid that hates the world I met originally and I don't think it's just because you trust me. He makes you happy and that's very important. If you're worried about his moral standards then talk to him. I never got a lot of detail off of Mikey but I heard you guys had a pretty rough childhood. Explain yourself to Frank, explain who you are and why you believe what you believe. You obviously don't have to tell him everything but if you want him to understand you have to lay it out for him. The great Ray hath spoken.

Gerard Way: I think I can do that. Thanks Ray, you truly are great. BTDubes Mikes is doing really well since I figured you'd care.

Outgoing: I'm glad I could help! I'm glad Mikes is doing well, we text from time to time, it's nice. My textbooks are calling. Thanks for distracting me.

Gerard Way: Np love <3 have fun studying :-)))

Right, studying. I plug my headphones back in. Crack down time.


I put down my phone. Can I do that?

I barely slept the rest of the night.


All of my limbs felt like bricks as I slowly made my way through the halls. The amount of sleep I had gotten makes me want to throw myself off a cliff. "Hey babe!" I looked up, a smile on my lips, only to find Pete running towards Mikey and me. Mikey was tackled into a hug that must have hurt but he just smiled. Blushing, Mikey pushed Pete off of him gently and placed a hand on his head. His hand must be covered in product. A book flew towards my head, hitting me directly on the forehead. I felt warm blood tricking down my face. Lucky shot. I picked up the book to find it
was Twilight. "Hey Peteo, found a perfect book for you." I said, halfheartedly tossing him the book and leaning against the lockers. "Hey Gee, you okay?" Mikey said with his hand in Pete's. I felt the intense urge to flip him off, c'mon don't be a dick. What's  wrong with me today? "Yeah, just a bad mood." I said forcing a smile onto my face. An only half convinced Mikey nodded and head to first period with Pete, knowing not to pressure me too badly. Where the hell is Frankie? I could really use a mood boost ; Even with all the bullshit he still makes me insanely happy. I started walking to class, my usual pep slowly returning as I calmed my thoughts with images of Frankie. Like that one time Pete challenged him to an arm wrestling match and Frankie made such a huge spectacle out of letting him win. We all just ended up laughing our asses off. A smile kept onto my face. Yeah, everything's gonna be fine.



Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I always get paranoid over whether or not my chapters are long enough, hope you like

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя