2 inches

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"I don't even remember how it started but it's this thing Mikey and I do" Gerard explained. "Whenever I think he likes someone I have to go and hide and he to respond with 'yes I do' or 'fuck off Gee'." Oooh, so Mikey liked Fro man. "Hey Gerard?" "Yeah" I pause "Can I call you Gee?" Gerard turned pink and started twisting his hair. After a pause he gave me a huge smile and told me he'd love it if I did. "You are so adorable." I whisper as we walked to his house. "What?" "I said- "HEY FAGS!" Oh come on. I turned around as Gerard slowly took cover behind me. He is such a hot damsel in distress. "Yes Brian?" I ask making sure to fill every word with venom. He looked almost surprised I had answered. "Hiding behind your little emo boyfriend are we Getard?" I rolled my eyes. "Really, Getard? That was the best you could come up with?" Gerard gently pulled on my sleeve "Let's just go home F-f-franki." He seemed so scared. "Okay." I whisper gently as I take his hand, "I'll be there in a minute, don't worry I've dealt with bullies before" I say smiling. Gerard is so scared he doesn't even realize I can't get to his house without him and scurries off. I turned to face Brian. "You piece of shit!" I growl. He just laughs "Please, what are you two inches tall?" I suck in a breath. "Now that you're done describing your penis, I'm gonna kick your ass!" He ran towards me fists clench. I smirk.

{Hold} Basic high school Frerard plus a shit ton of PetekeyWhere stories live. Discover now